introduction | presentations | programme | venue | delegate list | supporters | sponsors | evaluation | photos

Speakers listed alphabetically:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
(Key: = View powerpoint presentation online, = Listen to speeches online)

Rebecca Algar, QUIT Because Team 
Amanda Amos, Professor of Health Promotion, Public Health Sciences, Medical School, Teviot Place, Edinburgh
Stop smoking projects for pregnant women and people faced with inequalities: evaluation of the impact of the PATH support fund 
Miriam Armstrong, Pharmacy Health Link, RPSGB
Deborah Arnott, Director, Action on Smoking & Health (ASH)
What next after smoke free? 
Paul Aveyard, Senior Lecturer, Department of Primary Care & General Practice, University of Birmingham
Cut Down Then Stop Programmes. How do they run? How effective are they and how costly? What is their place in the NHS? Results from a review for the NICE guidelines 
A randomised controlled trial of weekly versus basic smoking cessation support in primary care 
Kirsten Bell, Tobacco Research Coordinator/Research Associate, British Columbia Centre of Excellence for Women's Health, Canada
NICE review of NHS smoking cessation services 
Renee Bittoun, Director of the Smokers Clinic, University of Sydney and Royal Prince Alfred Hospital, Australia
NRT in the real world of smoking cessation 
Ruth Bosworth, Director of Services, QUIT
TXT2STOP – Evaluation of text message content as a stop smoking intervention 
John Britton, Professor of Epidemiology, University of Nottingham City Hospital
Setting the scene (Chair: Day 1)
Gillian Bruce, Lead Smoking Cessation Nurse Specialist, Acute Services Smoking Cessation Service, Forth Valley NHS Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary
Pre-operative smoking cessation 
Alex Bobak, GP, Wandsworth PCT, London
Varenicline: implications for the field 
Hannah Bowles, Youth Health Development Officer
Helping teenagers to stop smoking: comparative observations across youth settings in Cardiff 
Keith Burnett, Delivery Manager (North), Department of Health Tobacco Control National Support Team
Early findings from the Tobacco Control National Support Team
Russell Carter, Berkshire Tobacco Control Coordinator, Upton Hospital, Slough
Commissioning a charitable organisation to provide smoking cessation services to deprived communities in Slough: a local public sector agreement 
Graham Clarke, School of Geography. Leeds
Monitoring the impact of stop smoking services: exploring the geography of demand and supply 
Cochrane Library Clinic
Tim Coleman, School of Community Health Sciences, Division of Primary Care, Queen's University Medical Centre, Nottingham
A study of relapse prevention in the NHS Stop Smoking Services: your help needed 
Steve Crone, Chief Executive, QUIT
Developing best practice in Smoking Cessation 
Jon Derricott, Exchange Supplies
Kirsten Doherty, Researcher, School of Public Health and Population Science, University College Dublin
Irish tobacco legislation increases smoking cessation in hospital patients 
Linda Durgan, All Wales Smoking Cessation Service
Mental health: smoking, treatment and going smoke free
Eden Evins, Director, Addiction Research Program, Massachusetts General Hospital & Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA 
Lisa Fendall, Choosing Health Development Worker, Doncaster PCT
How early is early? 
Jennifer Fidler, Research Psychologist, Health Behaviour Unit, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health University College, London
Motivation for smoking uptake and effective intervention strategies: a qualitative study of adolescents 
Ann Fitchett, Stop Smoking Specialist Nurse Advisor, Pregnancy and Child Health, Public Health, Birmingham
Increased referrals following routine carbon monoxide monitoring in antenatal clinics 
Terri Forward, Smoking & Mental Health Project Co-ordinator, QUIT
QUIT’s Smoking and Mental Health Project: An overview of the service user involvement in the development of a free motivational resource 
Cari Free, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
TXT2STOP – Evaluation of text message content as a stop smoking intervention 
Linsey Galbraith, Principal Information & Development Officer, ISD Scotland
Experiences from the first two years of the national smoking cessation monitoring/national smoking cessation database in Scotland 
Jane Giles, Specialist Stop Smoking Adviser, Buckinghamshire Stop Smoking Service c/o Public Health
Incorporation of a point-of-care cotinine test into routine community antenatal care to reduce smoking in pregnancy: a pilot study 
Smoking cessation in two socially disadvantaged communities in North & West Belfast 
Darren Gowdy, Community Health Development Worker, Ardoyne Shankill HLC, Belfast
Andy Graham, Regional coordinator, Fresh Smoke Free North East
Factors in successful delivery models: North East NHS Stop Smoking Services 
Delphine Grynszpan, Islington PCT
Evaluation of a peer support scheme for community pharmacy smoking cessation 
Peter Hajek, Professor, Tobacco Dependence Research and Treatment Centre, Barts and The London Queen Mary’s School of Medicine and Dentistry, University of London
Indu Hari, Operational Coordinator, New Leaf Stop Smoking Service, Directorate of Health Equality, Nottingham
Using Mosaic and health equity audit to improve Nottingham’s Stop Smoking Service 
Gerard Hastings, Director of the Institute for Social Marketing and Centre for Tobacco Control Research, University of Stirling and Open University
Where next for smoking cessation? 
Patricia Hodgson, Regional Tobacco Programme Manager, Regional Public Health Group - Government Office for Yorkshire & the Humber
High impact actions to reduce smoking in pregnancy 
Paul Hooper, Regional Tobacco Policy Manager for the West Midlands
Key clinical issues (Chair: Day 2)
The global smoking cessation effort: where the UK stands 
Neda Hormozi, Tobacco and Smokefree Coordinator
Setting up and running business based work clinics 
John Hughes, Professor of Psychiatry, Psychology and Family Practice at the University of Vermont, USA
Redefining the role of cessation specialists: what needs to be done 
An algorithm for optimal smoking cessation treatment 
Neil Hunt, Senior Research Associate, The European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent and Director of Research for KCA
Harm reduction : lessons from the drugs field & snus: a practical workshop 
Gillian Mcllhinney,Smoking Cessation Specialist Adviser
The accessibility and responsiveness of a nurse prescriber-led service 
Daniel Jackson, Medical student, Department of Primary Care & General Practice, University of Birmingham
The prevalence of shisha smoking among British university students, smoke intake, and symptoms of addiction 
Seher Kayikci, Smoking Cessation and Prevention Manager
Evaluation of a peer support scheme for community pharmacy smoking cessation 
Susan Kerr, Senior Research Fellow, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Community Health, Glasgow Caledonian University
Smoking cessation in later life: what difference does brief intervention training make? 
A smoke free experience just across the water 
Diane Lawrence, Manager, GASP
Elspeth Lee, Tobacco Control Manager, Cancer Research UK
Susan MacAskill, Senior Researcher, Institute for Social Marketing, University of Stirling and Open University
Stop smoking projects for pregnant women and people faced with inequalities: evaluation of the impact of the PATH support fund 
Alison Maher, Marine Chambers, Cardiff
Helping teenagers to stop smoking: comparative observations across youth settings in Cardiff 
Andy McEwen, Senior Research Nurse, Cancer Research UK, Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College, London
Fiona McKie, Tobacco Prevention Officer, Boswell House, Ayr
The development of social marketing as an effective method of reducing the rates of women who smoke before, during and after pregnancy 
Ann McNeill, Professor of Health Policy and Promotion in the Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham
Hayden McRobbie, Research Fellow, Clinical Trials Research Unit, School of Population Health, University of Auckland, New Zealand
NICE review of brief interventions: what does it mean for you? 
Marie Meredith, Department of Health
Early findings from the Tobacco Control National Support Team
Lisa Miles, Projects Manager, g-Nostics Ltd
Could the key to quitting lie in the genes? A pragmatic clinical evaluation of the NicoTest in primary care 
Russ Moody, Training & Development Coordinator, Plymouth Stop Smoking Service
Conference rapporteur: conference highlights and implications for practice 
Debbie Nelson, Health Promotion Officer, Health at Work, Festival Business Centre, Glasgow
Quit & Win 
Ben O'Brien, Head of Marketing & Communications, Knowsley Health & Social Care
Dramatically increasing quitters through social marketing: a practical example 
Mary O’Connor, Midwife Specialist, Nobles Hospital, Isle of Man
Innovations in smoking in pregnancy 
June Porrit, Queensway House, Middlesbrough
The accessibility and responsiveness of a nurse prescriber-led service 
Poster presentations
Presenters will be by their posters to discuss their work with delegates
Andrew Preston, Exchange Supplies
Understanding illicit heroin use: a session to help smoking cessation workers feel more confident about working with heroin users and specialist drug services
Wendy Rickard, Reader in Public Health, Institute of Primary Care and Public Health, London South Bank University
Resistant & resilient smokers in Southwark 
Nancy A. Rigotti, MD Director, Tobacco Research and Treatment Center, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, USA
Smoking cessation with hospital in-patients 
Ailsa Rutter, Director, Fresh Smoke Free North East
Factors in successful delivery models: North East NHS Stop Smoking Services 
Leena Sankla, Project Director, Cardio Wellness Charity
Generating throughput and quitters for ‘hard to reach’ smokers 
George Shield, Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Smoking cessation and radon remediation: efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Modelling using data from a NHS smoking cessation programme 
Maria Spellacy, Community Smoking Advisor, Leeds
Response to offer of hypnotherapy and success rates in smokers who have relapsed after treatment by the NHS Stop Smoking Service 
Lynn Stanley, Parsons Green Health Centre
Setting up and running business based work clinics 
Dan Steeves, Community Outreach Worker, Addiction Prevention & Treatment Services, Capital Health, Nova Scotia, Canada
Changing minds: A tobacco treatment best practice initiative for addiction professionals 
Marlyn Stothard , Choosing Health Development Worker, Doncaster PCT
How early is early? 
Gay Sutherland, Research Psychologist, Tobacco Research Unit, Institute of Psychiatry, King’s College London and Honorary Consultant Clinical Psychologist, South London and Maudsley NHS Trust Smoking Cessation Clinic
Karen Timson, Health Improvement Coordinator
Smoking cessation and radon remediation: efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Modelling using data from a NHS smoking cessation programme 
Maggie Thornton, Smoking Cessation Lead (South Wiltshire), Wiltshire PCT, Barcroft Medical Centre
Cost effective ways of improving referrals from acute trusts and foundation hospitals 
Eleni Vangeli, Research Psychologist, Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College London
Exploring the process of quitting smoking and staying stopped: a qualitative study of long-term quitters 
Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology and Director of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College London
The year ahead for UK smoking cessation 
Alyson Whitmarsh, The Information Centre for Health and Social Care
IC screaming statistics. Reporting on the temptation of smoking cessation 
Alun Williams, Project Manager, GASP
A smoke free experience just across the water 
Nicky Willis, Team Leader, Supporting Smokers to Stop, Tobacco Policy Team, Department of Health
Challenges and opportunities in supporting smokers to stop 

> Poster presentations