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2007 conference evaluations
Thank you to everyone who completed an evaluation form - they’re invaluable in helping us put together the best possible conference in 2008.
603 delegates attended the UKNSCC 2007.
Of the delegates who completed an evaluation form, 94% rated the conference excellent to good.
95% of delegates would recommend the event to their colleagues and only 4% said they weren’t planning to come next year.
We’re collating the hundreds of speaker and topic ideas suggested by delegates on their evaluation forms and will cover as many as possible at the UKNSCC 2008 in Birmingham.
Typical comments from the 2007 evaluation forms:
“Very well organised and great venue..”
“The programme was well put together – both important policy issues and nuts “n” bolts”
“Not a bad speaker in whole event, very enjoyable conference, good content and gave me ideas to change my practice for the better”
“Great conference – thanks to all involved in all of the hard preparation and planning. A brilliant atmosphere and wonderful way to meet like minded passionate people”
“Many thanks for a fantastic, informative and motivating conference”
“In my view this conference has been very positively received by NSCC co-ordinators and advisors… service leads all felt they had gained ideas, info, contacts etc. Stimulating. Professional. Buzzing. Well done!”