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The global smoking cessation effort: where the UK stands
Paul Hooper, Regional Tobacco Policy Manager for the West Midlands

How does the UK compare with other countries with respect to smoking cessation and tobacco control?
Considerable advances have been made in the UK over the last decade but advances have been made elsewhere too.
This presentation uses data gathered by an EU-funded project using a detailed assessment tool and information from experts in the field outside Europe to examine some of the evidence for the often-used statement "Stop Smoking Services in the UK are the best in the world".
The EU Assessment Tool was based on completed questionnaires from country representatives and examples of interesting or unusual practice are used to illustrate the various elements of the assessment process including strategies, policies, programmes and guidelines. Information on the relative usage of Nicotine Replacement Therapy is used as a cross reference to expert opinion.
Last year the 'Tobacco Control Scale' developed by Luc Joosens and Martin Raw was published in Tobacco Control Journal and compared country activity on a variety of measures including price; smoke free workplaces; spending on campaigns; health warnings; advertising bans and treatment services. In the light of recent and forthcoming changes the UK's relative position to other countries on this scale is also evaluated.
The presentation concludes with some comments on the how this information should be interpreted and its relevance to the conference as a whole.
Paul Hooper is the Regional Tobacco Policy Manager for the West Midlands and in addition is Project Manager for the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre based in Warwick.
As an Environmental Health Officer, Paul got involved in tobacco issues in 1985. He was responsible for one of the early Tobacco Control Alliances ('Smoke Free Birmingham') and he later revitalised the Warwickshire Alliance where he was also responsible for introducing the new cessation services.
Paul is currently one of the trainers for the CIEH/LACoRs 'Regulatory Officer' courses preparing local authorities for the smoke free law.
He was the country representative for England as part of an EU funded project 'Health Professionals and Smoking Cessation in a Larger Europe'. The project attempted to assess the best practice in member states and other countries with respect to smoking cessation.
Paul has frequently been an adviser to national organisations, a member of numerous committees including the Programme Development Group for the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) public health programme guidance on the best provision of smoking cessation services.
He has been a contributor to many national and international conferences and meetings.
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