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Factors in successful delivery models - North East NHS Stop Smoking Services
Andy Graham, Regional coordinator & Ailsa Rutter, Director, Fresh Smoke Free North East

NHS Stop Smoking Services have been in place across the North East (population 2.5 million) since 2000, and have consistently been the best performing services in England, achieving 1145 4-week quitters per 100,000 in 2005/6 compared to the national average of 818. The services were also rated highly in the 2006 Health Care Commission Improvement Review of Tobacco with 68.8% of North East Primary Care Organisations achieving an excellent rating - the highest in the country.
In April 2007, the Regional Director of Public Health commissioned Fresh (through its Regional Tobacco Policy Manager function) to undertake a thorough mapping of each of the twelve services. This was to identify key features of the most successful services and assist in the development of a core service model for the North East ensuring that the examples of innovative and good practice are delivered region wide where appropriate. Work was already underway to ensure greater consistency through the adoption of national smokefree branding by all the local services.
This presentation will discuss the process of mapping the models of provision across twelve North East services, identification of the key components for success and how this led to key planning events and the development of a core service model viewed as most effective for delivery across the region.
Biography Andy Graham
RN/Dip H.E., 1998 – University of Northumbria, Newcastle -Nursing ENB 199 - Accident and Emergency Nursing, 2001 – University of Northumbria, Newcastle ENB 998 - Teaching and Assessing, 2000 – University of Northumbria, Newcastle MSc - Health Sciences (Health Promotion), 2004 – University of Northumbria, Newcastle
Professional Experience:
1998 – 2001 – Registered Nurse, Accident and Emergency Dept., South Tyneside District Hospital, Tyne and Wear.
2001 – 2005 – Specialist Smoking Cessation Advisor, Gateshead and South Tyneside Smoking Cessation Service.
2005 – present – Regional Coordinator, Fresh Smoke Free North East
Responsible for development of tobacco control infrastructure and programmes. Regional lead for stop smoking support.
Numerous conference presentations including World Conference on Tobacco OR Health, 2006, and UKPHA Conference, 2007
Ailsa Rutter
BSc Hons. 1993. London University- Nursing MSc. 1998. Queensland University of Technology- Health Promotion
Professional Experience:
2005- Director- Fresh- Smoke Free North East Office, England
2004- Government Regional Tobacco Policy Manager for North-East England
2000-2004- Tobacco Control Coordinator and Cessation Service Manager- Gateshead and South Tyneside Primary Care Organisations, England
1998-2000- Coordinator- Quit Campaign, Queensland, Australia.
Responsible for all aspects of the UK’s first Regional Tobacco Control Office- strategic development, program delivery, media advocacy, political negotiations, budget and staff.
Managed most successful Cessation Service in England for four years. Presented on this at 12th World Conference. Delivered statewide tobacco control program in Australia .
Numerous conference presentations including Inaugural European Smoking and Pregnancy Symposium in 2002 and Tackling Tobacco in England Conference in 2004.
Andy Graham
C/O Chester le Street District Council
Civic Centre, Newcastle Road
Chester le Street
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