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Harm reduction : lessons from the drugs field & snus: a practical workshop
Neil Hunt, Senior Research Associate, The European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent and Director of Research for KCA

Although rarely seen in the UK, the oral tobacco 'snus' is increasingly discussed as a product with the potential to reduce nicotine related harm. 'Harm reduction' is an established philosophy within treatment for illicit drug problems - notably needle and syringe programmes; examples of harm reduction strategies also exist for alcohol e.g. campaigns to reduce bottle and beer glass injuries in city centres. Just as smoking heroin is less hazardous than injecting, promoting a transition from a more harmful route of nicotine administration - smoking - to oral use may be associated with fewer harms among those people who would otherwise not quit their tobacco use. However, within Europe the sale of snus is currently illegal in countries other than Norway and Sweden. This session aims to allow participants to assess the potential role of snus for nicotine harm reduction and will a) review harm reduction theory b) provide an overview of the evidence concerning snus and public health and c) enable participants to examine a range of snus products and see how they are used.
Neil Hunt, MSc (Social Research) is an Honorary Senior Research Associate at the European Institute of Social Services, University of Kent; Honorary Research Fellow with the Centre for Research on Drugs and Health Behaviour, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London; and Director of Research for the treatment service KCA.
A founding director of the UK Harm Reduction Alliance, his work has covered issues including injecting and risk, understanding drug trends, peer influence and young people, human rights and drug user involvement. He developed the 'Break the Cycle' intervention to reduce injecting that has been disseminated nationally by the Department of Health.
He has completed various commissioned reviews of the evidence base for harm reduction and has recently worked a researcher on the 'QCT-Europe' project, which is examining the effectiveness of 'Quasi-Compulsory Treatments' such as DTTOs and a Department of Health funded project examining 'early exit' from treatment.
Among his recent publications is the Beckley Foundation report Cannabis and mental health: responses to the emerging evidence and several technical reports on drug consumption rooms that contributed to the Joseph Rowntree Foundation's independent report on drug consumption rooms.
Neil Hunt
Director of Research
44 East St
ME13 8AT
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