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Pre-operative smoking cessation
Gillian Bruce, Lead Smoking Cessation Nurse Specialist, Acute Services Smoking Cessation Service, Forth Valley NHS Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary

Preoperative Smoking Cessation.
Bruce G, Hawe C, Longmate A
NHS Forth Valley
Smoking cessation before an operation reduces cardio-pulmonary complications and length of stay (1, 2, 3).
Referral rates to the Smoking Cessation Service (SCS) of the surgical preoperative patients were low in Forth Valley; a spot survey demonstrated zero referrals in September 2005.
A multidisciplinary team agreed to improve smoking cessation advice and access to the SCS for elective surgical patients attending preoperative assessment clinics.
Referrals to the SCS and outcomes were audited after introduction of changes.
During the 11 months April 2006-February 2007, 74 surgical pre-operative patients were referred to the SCS.
61 were initially contacted by telephone. 34 agreed to a clinic appointment with the SCS and 27 preferred not to. 13 patients were contacted by letter.
47 patients were given information to inform future decisions.
13 patients agreed to pursue smoking cessation discussions with primary care smoking cessation services.
12 patients (20% of those initially referred) agreed to a quit attempt under the supervision of the secondary care SCS.
Of these, 7 patients received NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) (4 patches, 3 inhalator).
At the 4 week patient follow up, 5 reported cessation (7 % of the total patients initially referred), 2 reported ongoing smoking (one of reported cutting down and preparation for another quit attempt). Data from the remaining 4 patients are incomplete.
Follow up data on patients attending primary care cessation services are not available.
Referrals to our secondary care smoking cessation service have increased. A small number of patients have reported quitting following specialist smoking cessation support.
Targeting surgical preoperative patients is likely to be effective and efficient.
1 Nakagawa M, Tanaka H, Tsukuma H, Kishi Y. Relationship between the duration of the preoperative smoke-free period and the incidence of postoperative pulmonary complications after pulmonary surgery. Chest 2001;120:705-10.
2. Møller A, Villebro N, Pedersen T, Tonnesen H. Effect of preoperative smoking intervention on postoperative complications: a randomised clinical trial. Lancet 2002;359:114-7.
3 Moller A, Villebro N. Interventions for pre-operative smoking cessation. Cochrane Database of Systemic Reviews 2005, Issue 3. Art. No:CD002294.pub2
Gillian Bruce RGN, BN, Dip Smoking Cessation, MN
Gillian currently leads a Smoking Cessation Specialist Service within the Acute Services of Forth Valley using the increased funding from a ‘Breath of Fresh Air’. She originally set up a pilot project with the remit to provide a hospital based cessation service and demonstrate its effectiveness.
She collaborated with primary care in writing the Forth Valley Smoking Cessation Guideline (2003) and sits on the Tobacco Action Subgroup of Forth Valley’s Substance Action Team which is looking at an integrated Forth Valley Cessation Service. Gillian was invited by the British Thoracic Society to consult on the published “Recommendations for Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Services”, and is now Chair of the newly formed British Association of Stop Smoking Practitioners.
Gillian graduated from the University of Glasgow having obtained a Bachelor of Nursing Degree and worked within a Cardiothoracic Unit, before returning to the University of Glasgow and Cardiac Research. This interest in research led to the completion of a Master of Nursing Degree in 1996. Prior to her current post, Gillian worked within Primary Care as a Practice Nurse for 5 years.
Gillian Bruce
Falkirk Royal Infirmary Smoking Cessation Service
Hut 5, Majors Loan
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