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Developing best practice in Smoking Cessation
Steve Crone, Chief Executive, QUIT

The European Network of Quitlines (ENQ) brings members across Europe together to develop and promote quitlines as a proven and effective stop smoking service. ENQ develops best practice and ensures all members have access to current training, research, technology and counselling protocols.
Recent research has shown that of all the forms of psychological support available to smokers, telephone counselling has the strongest evidence base to support its use. ENQ works to promote best practice in quitlines, telephone counselling and their use as a smoking cessation support method across Europe. ENQ also assists developing quitlines to incorporate telephone counselling into their existing service provision.
ENQ works to promote evidence-based methods of smoking cessation and published ‘The European Guide to Best Practice for Quitlines’ in English, French and German. Current research is also being undertaken across Europe to establish evidence on the most effective and cost effective quitline model for future development and implementation.
ENQ has developed research into best practice in web based smoking cessation and also develops policy recommendations on a pan-European basis. In 2007, ENQ will launch new initiatives including a Social Exclusion Programme and an accessible information database on European quitlines.
Through the continued promotion and development of quitlines and telephone counselling as a method of smoking cessation, ENQ effectively helps more smokers to stop. ENQ research has enabled the development of an effective quitline model and demonstrated best practice in web based smoking cessation. ENQ has been awarded a WHO World No Tobacco Day Award in recognition of the networks role in strengthening national action and international collaboration.
Future projects will ensure the further development of quitlines in Europe. The detailed and accessible information database on European quitlines will act as a platform for future ENQ research into tobacco use and quitline delivery while the social exclusion programme will help quitlines provide support to a variety of minority groups across Europe.
Biography Steve Crone is Chief Executive of the UK charity QUIT, which has helped over 2 million smokers.
Steve completed his MA in Modern Languages at Cambridge University and subsequently specialised in health care in the NGO sector.
At QUIT, Steve is responsible for a diverse range of programmes, including quitlines in eight languages, email counseling and web based interventions, community programmes, health professionals training and NHS stop smoking services.
Steve is Chairman of the European Network of Quitlines, which comprises 28 member countries, including the former accession countries. Steve is also a member of the European Commission's Help Campaign Advisory Board.
Steve Crone
Chief Executive
211 Old Street
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