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IC screaming statistics. Reporting on the temptation of smoking cessation
Alyson Whitmarsh, The Information Centre for Health and Social Care

The Information Centre (IC) is an NHS special health authority created in April 2005 from the former NHS Information Authority and the Department of Health Statistics Unit. The IC has taken over the collection, analysis and dissemination of stop smoking services statistics from the DH. Not many people are aware of this- we want to make them aware! We would like to introduce The IC and the role of stop smoking services within the Lifestyles Statistics team. The data we collect not only informs DH targets but also provides essential monitoring data to the Healthcare Commission.
Lots of changes surrounding data collection have been happening, affecting services, and more changes are inevitable. Local services and PCTs often do not have the opportunity to provide input into these changes. We want to give all those involved in stop smoking services, from service advisors and information analysts to public health managers the opportunity to share their views and experiences on their own data collection and information needs. With the need for timelier and higher quality data becoming more important, The IC is keen to share future plans with service leads and ensure views are collected. The UKNSCC seems like the ideal time and place to utilise the skills and experiences of delegates.
Biography Sandeep Manku, joined the NHS Information Centre after leaving the joys of the private sector (automotive and energy). As Lifestyle Statistics Team Leader, Sandeep is responsible for the preparation, co-ordination and management of Parliamentary Questions (PQs) and a number of statistical publications covering a wide range of lifestyle areas. A large amount of time is dedicated to NHS Stop Smoking Services, focusing on the collection, analysis and dissemination of this data and looking at ways to improve the processes currently in place.
Alyson Whitmarsh spent several years in the Government Statistical Service before joining the NHS Information Centre for health and Social Care in 2006. Most of that time was spent on various data collection, analyses and dissemination projects, most recently on major government surveys. Alyson's work in the IC covers responsibility for collecting and providing information on a range of lifestyles issues - smoking, drinking, drug taking and obesity. The NHS Stop Smoking Services being an integral part of this work.
Sandeep Manku
The Information Centre, 1 Trevelyan Square
Boar Lane
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