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How early is early?
Lisa Fendall & Marlyn Stothard, Choosing Health Development Worker, Doncaster PCT

How Early is Early?
The Stop Smoking Service in Doncaster was set up to respond to the Government targets to reduce the number of young smokers to 9% by 2010 Latest figures suggest that this target has been reached, however if the figures are broken down, they reveal a more complex picture It is estimated that 2% of 11 year olds smoke, compared with approximately 41% at 16 years.
Many services for young people were set up within the generic service and sadly became an add on to existing services.
Evidence shows that it is not cost effective to target young people as potential quitters as they do not possess the maturity or skills to quit smoking, especially if not smoking makes them different to their peers. Instead, resources should be channelled into providing information and advice about the dangers of smoking, the benefits of quitting and preventing children and young people from starting smoking in the first place.
A recent reconfiguration of Children and Young People, and the integration of Smokefree Pregnancy, has allowed the opportunity for innovative change and the development of a service fit for purpose.
The team now provides pre conceptual information, advice and training into schools, colleges, Youth Services and training programmes, in order to work towards reducing the number of young people who start to smoke and ultimately the number of parents to be who smoke.
Intervention is delivered in a cycle from pre conception to birth, through childhood to preconception
Lisa is a trained nurse and midwife and was appointed as one of two specialist midwives in 2003, to develop a stop smoking service for pregnant women. Doncaster Smokefree was recognised as a beacon service.
She has spoken live on the Jeremy Vine show and has recently been a popular feature on the local radio station, giving advice on quitting smoking and responding to listeners questions. She currently takes the lead in the training programme.
Lisa Fendall
Doncaster Stop Smoking Service
East Laith Gate House
East Laith Gate
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