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Commissioning a charitable organisation to provide smoking cessation services to deprived communities in Slough: a local public sector agreement
Russell Carter, Berkshire Tobacco Control Coordinator, Upton Hospital, Slough

This paper describes the experiences of Berkshire East PCT in commissioning smoking cessation services from a local charity as part of an LPSA project in addition to NHS Stop Smoking Services. A target of 280 extra four week quitters over three years was agreed between Slough Borough Council, the PCT and the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister (ODPM). Upon agreement of these targets a pump priming grant was received from the ODPM of £69k, part of which allowed for the provision of NRT without prescription charges. The focus of the project was to target the most deprived wards in Slough.
The provider organisation chosen had experience of working with BME communities and the ability to provide a multi-lingual service. This was vital for targeting deprived communities in Slough given its diverse population. As part of this service, smokers concerned about gaining weight following quitting were referred to the LPSA weight loss referral scheme, which involved 12 weeks free attendance at Slimming World groups.
Despite some problems with running two parallel services in the same area, such as initial confusion amongst GP's and the public over the difference between them and perceived competition for clinic locations, the experience was a positive one and targets have been met – 101 quitters against a target of 91 to date. The contract has allowed the PCT to determine clinic locations and therefore target the services at deprived areas and engage hard to reach communities. A good example of this has been the Polish community which is growing rapidly in Slough and has now started to access services. Overall the process of tendering smoking cessation work to external organisations while continuing to regularly monitor and direct the work has shown potential as a future means of providing local services.
Biography Russell Carter
Graduated from Bristol University in 2004 with an MSc in Exercise and Health Science. After completing a dissertation on smoking cessation and socioeconomic status he took up the role of Tobacco Control Coordinator for Berkshire and is still in this position today working for Berkshire East PCT.
Russell Carter
Berkshire Tobacco Control Coordinator
Upton Hospital
Albert Street
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