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TXT2STOP – Evaluation of text message content as a stop smoking intervention
Ruth Bosworth, Director of Services, QUIT and Cari Free, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine

Mobile phones provide a new channel for individualised programmes to be delivered inexpensively wherever the person is located, especially for young adults.
Mobile phone based interventions can provide the anonymity that young people like, enabling them to participate over the phone without others knowing and without having to ‘front up’ anywhere. Hence, mobile phones present an important but as yet largely unused medium to deliver age appropriate public health measures.
A single – blind randomised control pilot trial of mobile phone based smoking cessation support. The intervention is delivered by computer with the allocation being unknown to the investigators. Radio and Internet media advertising encouraged smokers interested in quitting to text or call the LSHTM centre from where the participants were being recruited. The intervention is a community based intervention.
Out findings at six months were consistent with a benefit. RR 1.28 (0.46 – 3.53).
The outcome was measured using postal salivary cotinine. Information was collected to allow future economic modelling based on the effective results.
The pilot was a success. Follow up was excellent with 98% following up for the short term outcome and 92% follow up for the long term outcome. We demonstrated a statistically significant increase in self-reporting quitting at 4 weeks RR (95%CI) 2.02 (1.08 -3.76). While the impact on health can not be measured in this pilot it is possible to model the impact on survival and health related quality of life of successful quitting.
Biography Ruth is Director of Services for the smoking cessation charity QUIT. QUIT was established in 1926 with the mission to significantly reduce unnecessary suffering and death from smoking related diseases by working towards a smoke free UK, and by providing practical help, advice and support to all smokers who want to stop.
Ruth is responsible for co-ordinating all facets of QUIT’s extensive smoking cessation services. These provide national support to smokers via 12 pro-active telephone counselling lines and both on-line and community based services. Ruth also coordinates QUIT’s youth programme, which is designed to help young people make informed choices about tobacco use and provides practical, tailored support and advice to those wanting to stop smoking.
With the aim of contributing to the delivery of national priorities in smoking cessation and public health, Ruth also works in partnership with a broad range of multi-sectoral and multi-professional agencies developing new programmes in the field of smoking intervention and prevention.
Ruth Bosworth
211 Old Street
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