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The development of social marketing as an effective method of reducing the rates of women who smoke before, during and after pregnancy.
Fiona McKie, Tobacco Prevention Officer, Boswell House, Ayr

This social marketing project undertaken by NHS Ayrshire & Arran aims to develop the Fresh Air-shire smoking cessation and prevention service in relation to one of its key target groups; pregnant women. NHS Ayrshire & Arran have been set the target to reduce the number of women recorded as smoking at first booking to 20% by 2010. Latest figures suggest there is still a long way to go to reach this. In 2004 our organisation recorded 25% of women stating smoking at first booking, higher than the Scottish average.
It is fundamentally understood that smoking in pregnancy is harmful to mother and baby and that a tailored approach specific to the needs of the women is key. By using the principles of social marketing; segmenting and targeting the audience, understanding their needs through research and consultation and developing the social marketing mix it is anticipated this social marketing intervention will reduce this figure considerably by offering women a service they want, will relate to and have a genuine impact on their lives.
Through the development of this technique, it is anticipated that social marketing will be used to inform the further development of this service with other target groups.
Fiona McKie
Boswell House
10 Arthur Street
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