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A smoke free experience just across the water
Alun Williams, Project Manager, GASP and Diane Lawrence, Manager, GASP

One year ago the Channel island of Guernsey introduced smokefree legislation similar to that which will be implemented in England in July. Representatives of GASP (the Guernsey Adolescent Smokefree project) – a local charity which aims to reduce smoking amongst young people in Guernsey - can share its experiences of the past year. In a brief presentation we can look at the island response to the ban including the inevitable smokers’ revolt, dramatic headlines blaming us for the decline in the island’s pub culture, huge increases in demand for smoking cessation support and a quiet revolution in the general public’s attitude to second hand smoke.
We can also report on a significant research exercise that we have undertaken of the 1000+ teenagers to gauge their response to the ban.
In Guernsey we unashamedly borrowed from the expertise and experiences of our colleagues in Scotland and Ireland and know that colleagues can learn from our one year of being smokefree. It will be an informative and inspiring presentation
Guernsey Adolescent Smokefree Project was established in 1997 when the Parliament in Guernsey introduced a series of radical smokefree measures. The charity has been successful in significantly reducing smoking levels amongst young people in Guernsey. The project has been described as a world leader in tobacco reduction. Alun Williams has been chairperson for the past 10 years. He is the island’s head of lifelong learning and has been particularly prominent in promoting the charity’s smokefree project. Di Lawrence is the project manager. Di is experienced in working with charities worldwide and her energetic, friendly manner ensures that she is an inspiration for all the youngsters with whom she works.
Alun Williams
Project Manager
Guernsey Youth Service
St Peter Port
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