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High impact actions to reduce smoking in pregnancy
Patricia Hodgson, Regional Tobacco Programme Manager, Regional Public Health Group - Government Office for Yorkshire & the Humber

Smoking rates during pregnancy is not decreasing in Yorkshire & the Humber as it is for England as a whole. To tackle the problem, a comprehensive review of the literature was undertaken to identify pragmatic high impact actions to reverse the trend. The review identified actions that potentially could make a significant and measurable improvement if integrated into routine health care practice.
The eight high impact actions are:
1. Promoting cessation to women of child bearing age
2. Improving data collection
3. Reaching pregnancy smokers as soon as possible and throughout pregnancy
4. Increasing effectiveness of current interventions
5. Supporting continuing smokers
6. Involving partners / families
7. Maintaining postpartum cessation
8. Promoting smokefree families
Healthcare cost of maternal smoking
The Department of Health Sciences and Centre for Heath Economics, University of York in collaboration with the Yorkshire & the Humber and North Public Health Observatories are developing a model that yields an estimate of the additional costs to society of a mother continuing to smoke during pregnancy compared to a non smoking mother. The model will be incorporated into the report when finished.
Regional task force
A regional smoking and pregnancy task force has been set up to identify ways of integrating the high impact actions into routine healthcare and to share examples of good practice. The regional director of public health has presented the report to the NHS Y0rkshrie & Humber and asked for its approval and to encourage relevant partners to take the actions forward.
Patricia Hodgson was appointed Regional Tobacco Policy Manger for Yorkshire & the Humber Public Health Group in 2003. She has been involved in tobacco control activities since 1992 when she was asked by the Department of Health to coordinate a national pilot project evaluating the impact of a county wide tobacco control alliance on smoking prevalence. Other posts have included senior health promotion officer (coronary heart disease) at Huddersfield Health Promotion, manager of the Huddersfield Stop Smoking Service and free lance health columnist for the local paper.
Patricia Hodgson
The Lateral 2nd floor
8 City Walk
LS11 9AT
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