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Using Mosaic and health equity audit to improve Nottingham’s stop smoking service
Indu Hari, Operational Coordinator, New Leaf Stop Smoking Service, Directorate of Health Equality, Nottingham

Reducing smoking in the population as a whole and in manual groups in particular is a key government target. Nottingham City Primary Care Trust’s New Leaf Stop Smoking Service provides an evidence-based smoking cessation service with trained advisors at a variety of locations across the city, including GP practices, pharmacies, community centres and leisure centres.
Nottingham City PCT recently undertook a health equity audit (HEA) that used Mosaic Public Sector and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping to help to ensure the local PCT was providing its smoking cessation service to those who needed it most and identify any gaps for action. Firstly, we used Mosaic to look at who smoked the most, and where in Nottingham these heavy smokers lived.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) mapping and Mosaic Public Sector were then used to:
- Map the postcodes of those attending the New Leaf service, to identify areas in the city where populations were least and most likely to take up the service;
- Produce a Mosaic profile and map of the Groups of people who attended the service.
By combining this information, we were able to determine that, on the whole, New Leaf is targeting areas and Groups where smoking is high. We were also able to identify those smaller areas where, given the expected high level of smoking by the Groups of people who lived there, there was low uptake of the service – and take action to address these gaps.
Following these findings, New Leaf has worked more proactively with the GP practices in the ‘cold spot’ areas of central Nottingham; where necessary we have changed clinic times and venues; we have also set up new sessions, including at a local pharmacy. Also, an NRF-funded social marketing stop smoking campaign will be implemented this year by the PCT focused on the Mosaic groups who are the heaviest smokers in target areas.
Health equity audit was valuable in ensuring that we target our resources equitably to reduce smoking and tackle health inequalities.
For further information:
De Gruchy J, Robinson J. Stop-smoking service benefits from geodemographic profiling. British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management. 2007;(24)1.
Following these findings, New Leaf has worked more proactively with the GP practices in the ‘cold spot’ areas of central Nottingham; where necessary we have changed clinic times and venues; we have also set up new sessions, including at a local pharmacy.
Health equity audit was valuable in ensuring that we target our resources equitably to reduce smoking and tackle health inequalities.
(1) De Gruchy J, Robinson J. Stop-smoking service benefits from geodemographic profiling. British Journal of Healthcare Computing and Information Management. 2007;(24)1.
Indu Hari has been the manager of Nottingham’s New Leaf Smoking Cessation Service since 2003. Prior to this, she was a Smoking Cessation Advisor for 4 years. She has been involved with various innovative projects such as a Peer Educator project targeting Black and Minority Ethnic groups, a Smoking in Pregnancy project in an inner city area and work to increase the access of young people to the service. She has led the setting up of a Pharmacy-Scheme for Stop Smoking clinics and the development of a Patient Group Directive to increase the accessibility of the service through pharmacists.
Jeanelle de Gruchy
New Leaf Smoking Cessation Service Manager
Nottingham City PCT, 1 Standard Court
Park Row
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