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The accessibility and responsiveness of a nurse prescriber-led service
Gillian Mcllhinney,Smoking Cessation Specialist Adviser & June Porrit, Queensway House, Middlesbrough

Accessibility and responsiveness of a nurse prescriber-led Service
This presentation describes the development of the Tees nurse prescriber-led Stop Smoking Service, which ranks highly nationally in terms of quitter numbers, offers clinics in accessible community settings and is cost effective.
The nurse-led model was initiated by a health visitor in Hartlepool in 2002 and has since been 'rolled out' across 3 PCT areas with a concomitant increase in quitter numbers. The model was rooted in the recommendations of 'Making a Difference' (DoH,1999), which advocated extending both the health promotion and prescribing role of health visitors and building on their local knowledge of health needs.
The Tees Service currently runs 30 drop-in clinics, staffed mainly by health visitors working alongside smoking cessation specialist advisers and Surestart staff. The clinics serve as ‘one-stop shops’, at which clients receive a package of advice, support carbon monoxide monitoring, dependency assessment and, if appropriate, a prescription for nicotine replacement therapy.
Clinics are based in community settings and are chosen, not only with a knowledge of deprivation hot spots, but also with account taken of local 'savvy', qualitative reports of how people live their lives - where they like to go and to meet. Venues include leisure centres, pubs and church halls.
In addition to national media, which raises awareness of smoking issues, the value of local publicity and support through the operation of a local helpline and the promotion of clinics within local neighbourhoods and networks is also recognised by the Tees Service.
The Tees model was cited in 'Choosing Health'(Chap 6 p135)(DoH,2005) as a good practice example of partnership working, engaging people and communities.
Biography Gillian McIlhinney
Following completion of her registered general nurse training, Gillian gained experience working in secondary care before qualifying as a midwife in 1983 and working in the Special Care Baby Unit as a staff midwife. Gillian has been employed since 2001 as a Specialist Smoking Cessation Adviser for pregnancy with the Tees Service and has completed her nurse prescribing training and a public health degree course.
June Porritt
Following completion of her registered nurse training, June worked in secondary care, specialising in ENT and opthamology. June then spent some 20 years in district nursing and was one of the first nurses to complete her nurse prescriber training, before assuming her current position as a Specialist Smoking Cessation Adviser with the Tees Service.
Gillian McIlhinney
Smoking Cessation Specialist Adviser
Queensway House
East Middlesbrough Inustrial Estate
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