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Smoking cessation and radon remediation: efficacy and cost-effectiveness. Modeling using data from an NHS smoking cessation programme.
Karen Timson, Health Improvement Coordinator & George Shield, Northamptonshire Teaching PCT

Conference Abstract
" Smoking Cessation and Radon Remediation - Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness. Modeling using data from an NHS smoking cessation programme.”
Radon is a naturally occurring radioactive gas, which is found in varying amounts geographically. It contributes around 50% of the average background radiation dose received by the UK population and concentrates in buildings, including domestic properties.
Studies suggest that Radon and smoking have a synergistic, multiplicative effect on lung cancer rates such that smokers are at greater risk from Radon levels than non-smokers.
Our work draws on demographic data describing an extensive population of 52-week quitters in Northamptonshire. Proprietary radon risk-assessment software is being used to quantify the relative efficacy and cost-effectiveness of radon remediation and smoking cessation programmes in combating lung-cancer. Initial results indicate significant life-year savings from either remediation or smoking cessation programmes. More detailed analysis is underway and further details will be presented at the meeting.
DEFRA has scoped promoting pro-environmental behaviour change to effect policy development in addressing exposure to Radon. There could be major advantages in using social marketing techniques to inform effective changes in behaviour resulting in smoking cessation in high Radon areas. The research raises the tantalising question of whether, for example, health and well being programmes in schools might be important to raise awareness of the synergistic effect of smoking and lung cancer rates in high radon areas? And whether new build house Regulations should be more stringent to incorporate post-occupancy Radon measurement? Irrespective of the final detail, a key policy message must be that the NHS could be working more closely with Local Authorities in investigating and addressing health issues associated with Radon exposure.
Karen Timson Tobacco Control and Stop Smoking Service Manager, Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
George Shield Tobacco Control Policy Development, Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Chris Groves-Kirkby, Fellow in Medical Physics Northampton General Hospital NHS Trust
Stephen Rogers, Consultant in Public Heath, Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Karen Timson
Tobacco Control Lead
Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Bevan House, Kettering Parkway
NN15 6XR
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