UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
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Abstracts & presentations

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Full audio online for the following presentations:
Gay Sutherland Setting the scene  
Robert West Practical ways of reducing cigarette craving  
Karl Fagerström New developments in NRT  
Andy McEwen Groups vs. individual therapy - which is best?  
Shu-Hong Zhu Telephone quitlines: evidence and promise  
Gerard Hastings Marketing cessation services: loyalty, relationships and customer service  

Tim Coleman

NRT in pregnancy: help or harm?  
Carmel O'Gorman Working with pregnant women  
The debate 'This house believes that there is no need for full-time treatment staff to help smokers quit when practice nurses and community pharmacists can deliver treatment'  
Harry Shaipro &
Brian Pringle
Understanding cannabis smoking  
Jonathan Foulds Harm reduction: can it work?  
Peter Hajek Relapse prevention  
John Hughes New medications: what's coming?  
Ben Youden No smoking day: history of a public health campaign


Stopping smoking with NHS stop smoking groups: What it's really like.


Speakers listed alphabetically:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

(Key: = View powerpoint presentation online    = Listen to speech online)



Joanne Adams
South Birmingham PCT Stop Smoking Service
Evaluation of drop in to quit


Amanda Amos
Reader in Health Promotion, Public Health Sciences, Division of Community Health Sciences, Medical School, Edinburgh University
Smoking cessation for young people
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint


Miriam Armstrong
Chief Executive, Pharmacy Health Link


Deborah Arnott
Director, Action on Smoking and Health
Smoking drugs and harm reduction



Jane Beach
South Birmingham PCT Stop Smoking Service
Evaluation of drop in to quit


Charles Beck
Academic Unit of Clinical Pharmacology, University of Sheffield
- Five-year smoking habit survey
Abstract | Powerpoint

- Psychomotor and cognitive effects of nicotine versus associated measures of dependence in smokers

- Audit of a clinician led NHS stop smoking clinic to identify the predictors of smoking cessation


Miriam Bell
Senior Workplace Smoking Cessation Advisor, The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Smoking cessation in the workplace


Simon Bennett
Stop smoking services in Cornwall


Gary Bickerstaff
Bolton Smoking Cessation Service
Recruiting smokers into treatment pre-operatively
Abstract | Powerpoint


Mark Braham
Manager, Resolution Stop Smoking in Leicester
Working with smokers in prison
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint


Alex Bobak
Wandsworth PCT, London
Perceived safety of nicotine replacement products among general practitioners and current smokers in the UK: impact on utilisation


Ann Bryce
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
Smokey Joe stories: a narrative-based intervention
Abstract | Powerpoint


Campbell Bunce
Xenova Ltd, Cambridge
Safety, immunogenicity and some early signs of efficacy for the nicotine vaccine, TA-NIC
Abstract | Powerpoint


Judith Burchett
ASH Scotland
Smoking cessation training in Scotland



Linda Caine
Head of Commissioning, Norwich Primary Care Trust
Working with smokers with mental health problems
Abstract | Powerpoint


Carol Carter
South Birmingham PCT Stop Smoking Service
Evaluation of drop in to quit


Tim Coleman
Director of General Practice Undergraduate Education Unit and Senior Lecturer in General Practice, School of Community Sciences, Division of Primary Care, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre
Working with pregnant smokers
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Emma Croghan
South Staffs Health Authority PCT
- Smoking cessation in adolescents: is it worth it?
Abstract | Powerpoint

- What do adolescents want from smoking cessation services?


Steve Crone
Chief Executive, QUIT



Nancy Docherty
Lanarkshire Smoking Cessation Services 'Brief Intervention Training'


Linda Durgan
All Wales Smoking Cessation Service, St David's Hospital, Carmathen
The All-Wales Smoking Cessation Service
Abstract | Powerpoint


Karl Fagerström
Director of The Smokers' Information Centre in Helsingborg, Sweden
- New developments in NRT
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech

- Nicotine safety and misconceptions


Ann Fitchett
South Birmingham PCT Stop Smoking Service
Evaluation of drop in to quit


Jonathan Foulds
Associate Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Public Health and Director, Tobacco Dependence Program, USA
Harm reduction: can it work?
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Sarah Francis
Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics (CISHE), Cardiff University
Adolescent smoking cessation: evaluating a European pilot programme
Abstract | Powerpoint


Carole Furlong
Public Health Specialist, Hounslow PCT
Smoking cessation with in-patients (including pre-op)
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint



Fiona Gillison
Health Psychologist, School for Health, University of Bath
Social support
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint


Gill Grimshaw
University of Warwick
Do young smokers want to stop?
Abstract | Powerpoint


Colin Gruar
Head of Marketing. British Heart Foundation.
The BHF's 'Fatty Cigarette' campaign - using Direct Marketing to increase cessation rates
Abstract | Powerpoint



Peter Hajek
Head of Psychology and Director, Tobacco Dependence Research Centre, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Relapse prevention
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Shirley Hamilton
Smoking Concerns, Glasgow
Carbon monoxide testing and antenatal care
Abstract | Powerpoint


Gerard Hastings
Director, Centre for Social Marketing and Centre for Tobacco Control Research, Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde
Marketing cessation services: loyalty, relationships and customer service
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Lynne Heasman
Restorative Dentistry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Effect of smoking cessation on periodontal health
Abstract | Powerpoint


Roberta Henderson
Setting up and running a smoking cessation service in rural Clydesdale


Kate Hey
Cochrane Tobacco Addictions Group, Department of Primary Health Care, Oxford University
Finding out what works - evidence from Cochrane reviews


Patricia Hodgson (or Nirmala Ragbir-Day), Yorkshire and the Humber Regional Pubic Health Team
Taking CPD Seriously: a pack for specialist stop smoking advisors combining NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework with HDA Smoking Cessation Standards


John Hughes
Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, USA
- Working with smokers with mental health problems
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint

- New Medications: what's coming?
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech



Kate Johnstone
Evening smoking cessation drop in clinics (aimed at smokers on low incomes)


Sally Jones
South Birmingham PCT Stop Smoking Service
Evaluation of drop in to quit


Katrina Jordon
Islington Stop Smoking Service
Prison stop smoking services: an Islington experience



Dr Seyed Habibollah Kavari
School of Nursing and Midwifery, Darab Azad University, Darab, Iran
Study of evaluation of outbreak of smoking cigarette and age distribution of first smoking experience among high school and pre-university students


Seher Kayikci
Islington Stop Smoking Service
Prison stop smoking services: an Islington experience


Susan Kerr
School of Nursing, Midwifery & Community Health, Glasgow Caledonian University
Older smokers - what we know and what we need to do
Abstract | Powerpoint



Tim Lancaster
Cochrane Tobacco Addictions Group, Department of Primary Health Care, Oxford University
Finding out what works - evidence from Cochrane reviews


Kevin Lewis
Clinical Director of Smoking Cessation
Debate: (proposing the motion) 'This house believes that there is no need for full-time treatment staff to help smokers quit when practice nurses and community pharmacists can deliver treatment'
Biography | Listen to speech



Flis MacDonald
Scarborough Hospital
Smoke-free hospitals - a Scarborough experience
Abstract | Powerpoint


Beverley Marr
Public Health Improvement Team, County Durham
Smoking in pregnancy - a family matter


Pip Mason
Independent trainer and consultant, Pip Mason Consultancy Ltd


Alan Matthews
HIT, Liverpool
The cannabis conundrum: smoking cessation work with cannabis users


Betty McBride
Director of Policy and Communications, British Heart Foundation
The BHF's 'Fatty Cigarette' campaign - using Direct Marketing to increase cessation rates
Abstract | Powerpoint


Terry McEleny
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
Smokey Joe stories: a narrative-based intervention
Abstract | Powerpoint


Andy McEwen
Senior Research Nurse, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit and Conference Programme Director
Increasing success: Group vs. individual therapy - which is best?
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Melody McGrillis
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Developing a prison based smoking cessation service


Ann McNeill
Senior Research Fellow, University College London
New developments in smoking cessation


Andy Molyneux
Consultant Physician, Kings Mill Hospital
No smoking in this hospital/PCT
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint


Hayden McRobbie
Research Fellow, Tobacco Dependence Research and Treatment Centre Chair
Supplementary treatments
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint



Mitchell Nides
President, Los Angeles Clinical Trials, CA, USA
Efficacy and safety of varenicline for smoking cessation



Carmel O'Gorman
Midwifery Lead for Smoking in Pregnancy, Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust
Working with pregnant smokers
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Lesley Owen
Special Adviser, Health Development Agency


Christine Owens
The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, Liverpool
Drop in groups: can they work?
Abstract | Powerpoint



Brian Pringle, West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS)
Understanding cannabis smoking
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech



Deborah Ritchie
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
Smokey Joe stories: a narrative-based intervention
Abstract | Powerpoint



Rob Sage
Cardiff Local Health Board
Smoking cessation services for young people in Wales
Abstract | Powerpoint


Saskia Sanderson
Cardiovascular Genetics, British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Royal Free and University College Medical School
Smoking, is it all in the genes?
Abstract | Powerpoint


Susanne Schulz
Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh
Smokey Joe stories: a narrative-based intervention
Abstract | Powerpoint


Kawaldip Sehmi
Director of Health and Equality, QUIT
- How to attract black and minority ethnic groups into treatment
Abstract | Powerpoint

- Oral tobacco use
Abstract | Powerpoint


John Sim
ASH Scotland, Edinburgh
The ASH Scotland Buddy Project
Abstract | Powerpoint


Harry Shapiro
Editor, Druglink Magazine
Understanding cannabis smoking
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Fiona Stacey
Restorative Dentistry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
Smoking cessation in dental practice - perceptions of the dental team in the UK
Abstract | Powerpoint


Alan Stanton
Solihull PCT
A Cochrane review of smoking cessation and young people


Lindsay Stead
Cochrane Tobacco Addictions Group, Department of Primary Health Care, Oxford University
Finding out what works - evidence from Cochrane reviews
Abstract | Powerpoint


Paul Steele
Senior Smoking Cessation Advisor, Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation
Developing a hospital based smoking cessation service that meets the needs of both the patients and the staff


Gay Sutherland
Maudsley Hospital Smoking Cessation Clinic
Setting the scene
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech


Ronnie Troughton
Tobacco Dependence Research & Treatment Centre, Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Long term NRT use
Abstract | Powerpoint



Michael Ussher
Lecturer, Psychology Section, Community Health Sciences, St George's Hospital Medical School
Can physical activity help with stopping smoking?
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint



Angela Vettraino
ASH Scotland
Smoking cessation training in Scotland


Video (a specially commissioned film shown at the conference)
Exchange Supplies
Stopping smoking with NHS stop smoking groups: What it's really like



Richard Watt
Reader in Dental Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
Smoking and oral health
Abstract | Powerpoint


Cathy Weatherup
Welsh Assembly Government
Smoking cessation services for young people in Wales
Abstract | Powerpoint


Robert West
Professor of Health Psychology, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit
- Practical ways of reducing cigarette cravings
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech

- Debate: (opposing the motion) 'This house believes that there is no need for full-time treatment staff to help smokers quit when practice nurses and community pharmacists can deliver treatment'
Biography | Listen to speech



Ben Youdan
Chief Executive, No Smoking Day
No smoking day: history of a public health campaign
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech



Shu-Hong Zhu
Associate Professor, Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego
Telephones quitlines: evidence and promise
Abstract | Biography | Powerpoint | Listen to speech





* - denotes change and/or addition to printed programme

Day 1

Thursday 9th June 2005
  New developments in smoking cessation
Plenary session
Chair: Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow, University College London

Setting the scene
Gay Sutherland, Maudsley Hospital Smoking Cessation Clinic


Practical ways of reducing cigarette cravings
Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit


New developments in NRT
Karl Fagerström, Director of The Smokers' Information Centre in Helsingborg, Sweden




Increasing success
Plenary session
Chair: Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow, University College London


Group vs. individual therapy - which is best?
Andy McEwen, Senior Research Nurse, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit


Telephone quitlines: evidence and promise
Shu-Hong Zhu, Associate Professor, Family and Preventive Medicine, University of California, San Diego


Marketing cessation services: loyalty, relationships and customer service
Gerard Hastings, Director, Centre for Social Marketing and Centre for Tobacco Control Research,
Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde




Parallel sessions:
Key interventions and targeting high-risk groups
2.30pm - 3.45pm


Working with pregnant smokers
Main Hall
Tim Coleman, Director of General Practice Undergraduate Education Unit and Senior Lecturer in General Practice, School of Community Sciences, Division of Primary Care, University Hospital, Queen's Medical Centre
Carmel O'Gorman, Midwifery Lead for Smoking in Pregnancy, Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust
Chair: Deborah Arnott, Director, Action on Smoking and Health

Can physical activity help with stopping smoking?
Room: Edward 1

Michael Ussher, Lecturer, Psychology Section, Community Health Sciences, St George's Hospital Medical School
Chair: Pip Mason, Independent trainer and consultant, Pip Mason Consultancy Ltd

Smoking cessation for young people
Room: Edward2
- Amanda Amos, Reader in Health Promotion, Public Health Sciences, Division of Community Health Sciences, Medical School, Edinburgh University
Chair: Lesley Owen, Special Adviser, Health Development Agency
- Adolescent smoking cessation: evaluating a European pilot programme*
Sarah Francis, Cardiff Institute of Society, Health and Ethics (CISHE), Cardiff University

How to attract black and minority ethnic groups into treatment
Room: Edward 3
Kawaldip Sehmi, Director of Health and Equality, QUIT
Chair: Miriam Armstrong, Chief Executive, Pharmacy Health Link

Social support
Room: Edward 4
Fiona Gillison, Health Psychologist, School for Health, University of Bath
Chair: Gay Sutherland, Maudsley Hospital Smoking Cessation Clinic

Working with smokers with mental health problems
Room: Edward 5
John Hughes, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont
Linda Caine, Head of Commissioning, Norwich Primary Care Trust
Chair: Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow, University College London

Paper presentations:
Room: Edward 6
- Smoking, is it all in the genes?
Saskia Sanderson, Cardiovascular Genetics, British Heart Foundation Laboratories, Royal Free and University College Medical School
- The All Wales Smoking Cessation Service*
Linda Durgan,
All Wales Smoking Cessation Service, St David's Hospital, Carmathen

Poster presentations (click here for full list)*
Room: Edward 7

Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 1

Stop smoking services: something a little different
The ASH Scotland Buddy Project
John Sim, ASH Scotland, Edinburgh

- Drop-in groups: can they work?
Christine Owens, The Roy Castle Lung Cancer Foundation, Liverpool
- Smokey Joe stories: a narrative-based intervention
Susanne Schulz, Deborah Ritchie, Ann Bryce & Terry McEleny, Queen Margaret University College, Edinburgh

Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 2

No smoking in this hospital/PCT*
Andy Molyneux
, Consultant Physician, Kings Mill Hospital

- Smoke Free Hospitals, a 'Scarborough Experience'
Flis MacDonald, Scarborough Hospital

Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 3

Nicotine safety and misconceptions
Karl Fagerström, Smokers Information Centre, Sweden

- Perceived safety of nicotine replacement products among general practitioners and current smokers in the UK: Impact on utilisation*
Alex Bobak, Wandsworth PCT, London
- Long term NRT use*
Ronnie Troughton, Tobacco Dependence Research & Treatment Centre, Barts and The London School of Medicine & Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London





Plenary session
'This house believes that there is no need for full-time treatment staff to help smokers quit
when practice nurses and community pharmacists can deliver treatment'


Proposing: Kevin Lewis, Clinical Director of Smoking Cessation
Opposing: Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit

Chair: Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow, University College London




Drinks reception and buffet


Evening fringe meetings, papers and workshops

5.15pm - 6.15pm Meeting sponsored by Pfizer (Rooms: Albert 1-3)*
'Progress in treatment with NRT: Expanding options to meet individual needs'

6.30pm - 7.30pm Meeting sponsored by Novartis (Rooms: Edward 1-3)*
'Abstinence, urges and cravings'
Presenter: Professor Robert West



Day 2

Friday 10th June 2005

Breakfast fringe meeting
9.00am - 10.00am
(Rooms: Edward 1-3)
Clearing the haze: nicotine on trial
Meeting sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline

  Smoking drugs and harm reduction
Plenary session
Chair: Deborah Arnott, Director, Action on Smoking and Health

Understanding cannabis smoking
Harry Shapiro, Editor, Druglink Magazine
Brian Pringle, West Lothian Drug and Alcohol Service (WLDAS)


Harm reduction: can it work?
Jonathan Foulds, Associate Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey,
School of Public Health and Director, Tobacco Dependence Program, USA




Parallel sesssions
11.45am - 1.00pm


Relapse prevention
Main Hall
Peter Hajek, Head of Psychology and Director, Tobacco Dependence Research Centre, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London
Chair: Gay Sutherland, Maudsley Hospital Smoking Cessation Clinic

Working with smokers in prisons
Room: Edward 1
Mark Braham, Manager, Resolution Stop Smoking in Leicester
Chair: Ann McNeill, Senior Research Fellow, University College London

Smoking cessation with in-patients (including pre-op)*
Room: Edward 2

-Carole Furlong, Public Health Specialist, Hounslow PCT
Chair: Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit
- Recruiting smokers into treatment pre-operatively
Gary Bickerstaff, Bolton Smoking Cessation Service

Smoking and oral health
Room: Edward 3

-Richard Watt, Reader in Dental Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Public Health, University College London
Chair: Lesley Owen, Special Adviser, Health Development Agency
- Effect of smoking cessation on periodontal health*
Lynne Heasman, Restorative Dentistry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
- Smoking cessation in dental practice - perceptions of the dental team in the UK*
Fiona Stacey, Restorative Dentistry, University of Newcastle upon Tyne

Oral tobacco use
Room: Edward 4
Kawaldip Sehmi, Director of Health and Equality, QUIT
Chair: Steve Crone, Chief Executive, QUIT

Supplementary treatments
Room: Edward 5
Hayden McRobbie, Research Fellow, Tobacco Dependence Research and Treatment Centre Chair: Miriam Armstrong, Chief Executive, Pharmacy Health Link

Finding out what works - evidence from Cochrane Review
Room: Edward 6
Lindsay Stead, Kate Hey and Tim Lancaster, Cochrane Tobacco Addictions Group, Department of Primary Health Care, Oxford University

Poster presentations (click here for full list)*
Room: Edward 7

'Smoking cessation - from pregnancy to old age'
Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 1

- Carbon monoxide testing and antenatal care
Shirley Hamilton, Smoking Concerns, Glasgow
- Smoking in pregnancy - a family matter
Beverley Marr, Public Health Improvement Team, County Durham
- Older smokers - what we know and what we need to do
Susan Kerr, School of Nursing, Midwifery & Community Health, Glasgow Caledonian University

'Smoking cessation with young people: the real world'
Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 2

- Do young smokers want to stop?
Gill Grimshaw, University of Warwick
- Smoking cessation in adolescents: is it worth it?
Emma Croghan, South Staffs Health Authority PCT
- Smoking cessation services for young people in Wales
Cathy Weatherup, Welsh Assembly Government & Rob Sage, Cardiff Local Health Board

'Smoking habits, the development of a vaccine and the 'Fatty Cigarette' campaign'*
Paper presentations:
Room: Albert 3

- Five-year smoking habit survey
Charles Beck, University of Sheffield
- Safety, immunogenicity and some early signs of efficacy for the nicotine vaccine, TA-NIC
Campbell Bunce, Xenova Ltd, Cambridge

'The BHF’s ‘Fatty Cigarette’ campaign – using Direct Marketing to increase cessation rates'*
Betty McBride, Director of Policy and Communications, British Heart Foundation & Colin Gruar, Head of Marketing. British Heart Foundation.




Past, present and future
Plenary session
Chair: Deborah Arnott, Director, Action on Smoking and Health


New medications: what's coming?
John Hughes, Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Vermont, USA


No smoking day: history of a public health campaign
Ben Youdan, Chief Executive, No Smoking Day


Video: Stopping smoking with NHS stop smoking groups: What it's really like
A specially commissioned film

3.30 Closing remarks
Andy McEwen, Conference Programme Director


* - denotes change and/or addition to printed programme


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'Abstract book & programme' as pdf

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Conference planning group

Programme directors:
Andy McEwen: Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit, University College London and Hayden McRobbie: Tobacco Dependence Research & Treatment Centre, Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine & Dentistry.

Programme committee:
Deborah Arnott: Director, Action on Smoking & Health (ASH); Ben Youdan: Campaign Director, No Smoking Day; Steve Crone: Chief Executive, QUIT; Prof. Robert West: Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit, University College London; Prof. Peter Hajek: Tobacco Dependence Research & Treatment Centre, Barts and The London, Queen Mary's School of Medicine & Dentistry; Lesley Owen: Special Adviser, Health Development Agency; Ann McNeill: Independent consultant in public health, Hon. Senior Research Fellow UCL; Gay Sutherland: The Maudsley Hospital Smoking Cessation Clinic. Jean King: Director of Behaviour Research & Tobacco Control, Cancer Research UK; Miriam Armstrong: Chief Executive, Pharmacy Health Link, RPSGB; Pip Mason: Pip Mason Consultancy

(Key: = View powerpoint presentation online    = Listen to speech online)