Practical ways of reducing cigarette
Robert West
When smokers try to become ex-smokers the final link in
the chain of events leading to relapse is that at some
point their motivation to smoke a cigarette is greater
than their motivation not to. A new synthetic theory of
motivation (the p.r.i.m.e theory) provides a basis for
understanding this balance of motivational forces and
makes predictions about factors that will influence both
sides of the equation. The term 'craving' can be taken
to mean a powerful subjective experience of motivation
to do something including feelings of desire and urge.
Self-help guides and treatment programmes contain many
ideas about how to avoid, reduce or cope with cravings
but very little good research has been undertaken on this.
This paper reviews the literature on what has been found
and what this implies about what causes cigarette cravings.
Nicotine replacement therapies of all kinds, including
transdermal patches, when taken over a period of time
reduce cravings in smokers attempting to stop. There is
some evidence that patches that produces higher blood
nicotine concentrations reduce cravings more than those
that produce lower blood levels. Similarly bupropion has
been found to reduce cravings. The nasal spray and gum
have been found significantly to reduce an acute episode
of craving in the laboratory - the spray apparently working
more quickly. Relatively small amounts of physical activity
have been reliably shown to reduce acute craving and so
has oral glucose. The total experience of craving may
be related to whether or not smokers perceive that their
restraint as voluntary. This suggests further psychological
techniques for reducing cravings that deserve to be tested.
Robert West is Professor of Health Psychology and Director
of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour
Unit, University College London. He is also Editor of
Addiction and has published over 250 scientific works.
He has been researching tobacco use since 1982 and is
co-author of both the English and Scottish National Smoking
Cessation Guidelines. His current research includes clinical
trials of new smoking cessation treatments, studies of
the acute effects of cigarette withdrawal and population
studies of smoking patterns
Robert West
Professor of Health Psychology,
Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit