Working with smokers in prison
Mark Braham

The session will provide a review of the evidence and
best practice guidance for working with prisoners on smoking
The session will also review progress in the development
of prison based services since the publication of the
Department of Health's Acquitted best practice toolkit
in 2003, and provide an opportunity for participants to
discuss their experiences and thoughts on future developments
in this challenging setting.
Mark is a Public Health Specialist, specialising in tobacco
control for the past 12 years as a Health Promotion Officer,
Smokefree Alliance Coordinator and currently as Service
Manager of a Stop Smoking Service for three primary care
trusts in Leicestershire. Between 2001 and 2003, he coordinated
the Department of Health's national pilot project to develop
smoking cessation services in prisons and was author of
Acquitted: best practice guidance for developing services
in prisons (2003).
Mark Braham
Manager, Resolution Stop Smoking in Leicester