Poster presentation
Smoking cessation training in Scotland
Angela Vettraino and Judith Burchett
Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health (PATH) is a Scottish
Executive funded initiative, housed and managed by ASH
Scotland. Its broad aim is to reduce the number of people
who smoke in Scotland by supporting the existing smoking
cessation services. PATH is, with key partners, developing
and rolling out best practice across key areas of training,
data collection and evaluation. It also allocated a project
fund of £0.9m to investigate effective approaches
to cessation amongst
target groups.
This poster will focus on the training aspects of PATH's
work, which aims to enhance and develop the quality and
consistency of smoking cessation training in Scotland,
and support the professional development of those carrying
out smoking cessation work.
To this end, national training standards and a national
training strategy have been developed. These were informed
by national training needs analysis work, widespread consultation
and input from expert working groups.
An approval scheme for training courses has been set
up, which serves to verify that courses cover the outcomes
in the standards and other best practice criteria. To
further support implementation of the standards, accredited
modules in brief advice and specialist cessation support
are being developed in partnership with Glasgow Caledonian
University. These will be delivered across Scotland by
PATH regional training officers, working together with
local trainers. The modules will be coordinated, monitored
and evaluated centrally by PATH.
Further information on PATH's work can be found on the
ASH Scotland website: http://www.ashscotland.org.uk/
Angela Vettraino and Judith Burchett
ASH Scotland, 8 Frederick Street, Edinburgh EH2 2HB
Tel: 0131 225 4725