Motion: This house believes that there is no need for
full-time treatment staff to help smokers quit
when practice nurses and community pharmacists can deliver
Proposing: Kevin Lewis
Dr Kevin Lewis is Clinical Director of Smoking Cessation
at Shropshire County and Telford and Wrekin Primary Care
Trusts. A former general practitioner, he set up the primary-care-based
Help 2 Quit service in 1995. Help 2 Quit was awarded NHS
Beacon Status as a model of best practice, and has been
adopted by all general practices in Shropshire.
Kevin Lewis
Clinical Director of Smoking Cessation
at Shropshire County and Telford and Wrekin PCTs
Seconding: Terry Maguire
Opposing: Robert West
Robert West is Professor of Health Psychology and Director
of Tobacco Studies at the Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour
Unit, University College London. He is also Editor of
Addiction and has published over 250 scientific works.
He has been researching tobacco use since 1982 and is
co-author of both the English and Scottish National Smoking
Cessation Guidelines. His current research includes clinical
trials of new smoking cessation treatments, studies of
the acute effects of cigarette withdrawal and population
studies of smoking patterns
Robert West
Professor of Health Psychology,
Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Unit
Seconding: Mireille Herbert