Smoke-free hospitals - a Scarborough
Flis MacDonald


Scarborough Hospital in 2001 had a 'where to smoke' policy,
still had staff smoking rooms and both patients and visitors
smoking outside particularly around doorways. January
2002 saw the first staff quit programme begin, it was
on site with time off allowed to attend. A well supported
group with a good quit rate and the new quitters helped
out enthusiastically on National No Smoking Day, but we
still had to battle against the pull of the staff smoke
rooms. Plans began to move on later that year with a proposal
to redecorate and improve the staff dining areas and by
March 2004 plans without a smoke room were on display,
closure set for April 2004. A working group was formed
to lead the development of the project.
We used a questionnaire to staff to gage opinion and gain
suggestions, it was well supported and showed the majority
of staff in favour of a smoke-free site.
We looked for any existing guidance and advice, and took
the opportunity of a visit to another hospital further
along the process than our selves.
September 2004 saw completion of the new policy and it
was accepted by the Board. A secondary care post was negotiated
to ensure that there would be adequate staff training
to ensure patient support available, and develop a prescribing
protocol and patient care pathway. Communication has been
key throughout and funding a large issue.
Our Smoke-Free site was achieved on March 9th 2005, by
the time of the conference I will have news of what
happened beyond No smoking Day and what future developments
may be.
Flis MacDonald
Scarborough Hospital