Dr Beckie Lang Programme Director, Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre part of Improving Performance in Practice (iPiP), Warwick
Joanne Pullen is a founding Director of Activmob CIC, a pioneering and innovative social enterprise specialising in bringing together citizens, local communities and service providers to capture real life experiences and co-produce insight driven outcomes. Joanne has a real passion for work around Tobacco Control, and has many years’ experience of undertaking a variety of insight and co-design projects in this area with communities, young people and pregnant women. She has a strong track record in designing effective primary research and creating ways of engaging people where others may find it more difficult.
Beckie Lang is Programme Director at iPiP, an independent public health research and training organisation which hosts the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre (TCCC). A public health nutritionist, Beckie uses her previous academic research and corporate communication skills to support healthy pregnancies through the management of projects which aim to empower and enable positive behaviour change. Beckie sits on the Smoking in Pregnancy Challenge Group. Beckie’s previous role at Tommy’s the baby charity included leading the 3y DH-funded Baby Be SmokeFree project, an assets-based approach supporting a tobacco free pregnancy in young women. Beckie remains involved with this project at iPiP.