The UKNSCC is a great international platform at which you can present your work to an interested and informed audience.
The conference programme committee invites all prospective delegates to submit abstracts. Delegates are invited to submit as many abstracts for different presentations as they wish. If you have any queries please send an email to
Please note that in order to present your paper or poster, you must be registered as a delegate at the conference and pay the delegate fee.
If you would like to submit an abstract for a future UKNSCC, please read the guidance for authors below, and then click on the continue button.

Guidelines for Submission
There are 3 types of presentation at the UKNSCC:
1) Parallel paper presentation - a 20 minute presentation of your work followed by questions, in a chaired session with other speakers.
2) Parallel workshop - a 1hr 15 min interactive session usually involving a presentation, tasks for the audience, discussion and questions.
3) Poster presentation - your poster will be displayed with others throughout the event, and the times you will be available to discuss your work with colleagues will be published in the programme.
When you submit your abstract you will be asked which type of presentation you would prefer to give. All abstracts are peer reviewed and judged on their relevance to the conference, and the programme committee may not be able to offer you your preferred forum.
The more flexible you can be in how you present your work, the more likely we are going to be able to accommodate it in the programme.
Please prepare your presentation with the audience and session type in mind. Most UKNSCC delegates are clinicians and will appreciate a clinical focus to your presentation.
Please note that if you would like to present data on abstinence from smoking we normally require CO-verified data to be presented. If you are not presenting CO-verified abstinence data, then please supply a rationale for this.
Guidelines for presenting Paper Presentations
You must deliver your presentation within the time that you have been allocated. Session Chairs will be very strict about ending presentations that go overtime. If you are not used to public speaking or giving presentations then you might like to practice, and time, your presentation beforehand.
Powerpoint presentations are preferred but should you need any other AV equipment, then please let Conference Organiser Monique Tomlinson know (
In our experience, speakers who follow these rules of thumb receive the best feedback in the post-conference evaluations:
- 1 slide per minute (so 15 slides maximum for most parallel paper sessions) is usually about right
- Don't overload slides with too much text
- Remember the 6x6x6 Rule (6 Words per bullet, 6 Bullets per slide, 6 Lines per slide)
- Use the same color scheme all the way through
- The 7 second rule (The audience needs to grasp the message within 7 seconds of the slide appearing)
- Use quality clipart (if it's not good quality it's better to use none at all)
- Visual break (Supplement slide after slide of straight text with some graphics just for a change of view)
- Make sure type in graphics is legible
- Fonts (Do not use fonts smaller than 24 points, No more than three fonts to a presentation, avoid overuse of bold, italic and especially all capitals)
If you have any questions about these guidelines or need some advice on preparing and presenting your work then please contact Andy McEwen at
Guidelines for Workshops
Parallel sessions at the UKNSCC run for 1 hour and 15 minutes (unless otherwise advised) and a workshop will typically fill this time with a mixture of formal presentations, brainstorming, exercises, problem solving, participant feedback and questions and answers. This list is not exhaustive and the only rule really is that you should aim to involve participants as much as you can. You should have a clear aim of what you want to achieve in the workshop (i.e. what you want delegates to take away from it) and a realistic plan for achieving this (i.e. what workshop methods to use). A typical workshop outline would be something like this:
- Introduction (about 15 minutes)
- Task/brainstorming (small groups or whole workshop)
- Whole group discussion including Q&A and agenda setting
Guidelines for Poster Presentations
Each presenter will be assigned a VERTICAL poster board space. The total net area available for your poster will be 115cm (height) by 85cm (width). Attachment to the poster board is by velcro tape only and there will be supplies of these available at the conference reception desk. Please note you may not write on, use pins or mark the poster boards in any way.
Authors are responsible for the assembly and removal of their poster.
When preparing your poster for presentation please bear in mind that there will be a large number of delegates, so for the poster to have maximum value it should possible to read it from a distance of at least several feet. Information should be typed in large typeface. Charts, figures and illustrations should be simple and bold. Readability is the key!
Please ensure that at the top of your poster your presentation title and the name(s) of the author(s) are clearly stated.
Each poster will be allocated a poster board on arrival at the conference.
Abstracts scheduled for poster presentations will be listed on the conference website.
The poster sessions have a designated time in which presenters are requested to be available at their poster to discuss its contents with conference delegates. Times are given on the programme page of the UKNSCC website.
If you have any questions about these guidelines or need some advice on preparing and presenting your poster then please contact Andy McEwen at