Dr Beckie Lang Programme Director, Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre part of Improving Performance in Practice (iPiP), Warwick
The current pathway for supporting pregnant smokers is not meeting the needs of some of the youngest and most vulnerable women as evidenced by the low rate of uptake of Stop Smoking Services and the high rate of young women who smoke throughout their pregnancy.
Baby Be Smokefree is a 3-year project funded by Tommy’s the baby charity (DH Innovation) that aims to develop an effective stop smoking intervention for young pregnant women (aged < 25 years). The project uses an asset-based approach and engages with young women gathering valuable insight and involvement to co-design a suitable intervention to meet their specific needs.
Following on from preliminary insight work presented last year this session will discuss further key themes, and share insight that has supported intervention design including:
- Their experiences of being pregnant and of smoking during pregnancy
- Trusted messengers- who they want to trust and when/why they can’t
- Influences on choice
- View to risk and how it’s measured
- Clear thoughts on what would work, and outline of the delivered intervention
The organisations supporting Tommy’s on this work are the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre and Activmob.
Source of funding: DH Innovation, Excellence and Strategic Development Fund