Hilary Wareing Director, Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, Warwick
Tina Williams Project Director, Development and Training,Tobacco Free Futures, Manchester
No single intervention is likely to provide the answer to achieving a significant reduction in the prevalence of smoking in pregnancy.
This workshop, provided jointly by Tobacco Free Futures and the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, will enable an in-depth discussion and examination of the potential benefits of combining evidence based approaches to create an impact in the short, medium and long term.
Tobacco Free Futures have considerable experience in the development and delivery of region-wide incentives schemes which have impacted rapidly and positively on SATOD, while the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre have made a significant contribution to the evidence base through the implementation of babyClear an intervention which creates system change and ultimately reduces SATOD.
If financial incentives with enhanced quitting support and approaches which embed system change can independently reduce rates of smoking in pregnancy it would seem reasonable to assume that in combination they have the potential to achieve more and where system change is embedded for improvements achieved to be sustained.
The questions that will be posed at the Workshop include:
What do we know works?
Why do individual interventions work?
Which combination of interventions is likely to achieve the greatest impact?