Tailored tobacco dependence support for mental health patients: A model for inpatient and community services
Camilla Parker, Ann McNeill and Elena Ratschen
Dr Elena Ratschen Lecturer in Epidemiology/ Tobacco Control, Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham
Tailored tobacco dependence support for mental health patients: A model for inpatient and community services
Although smoking prevalence among people with severe mental illness is high, it remains largely unaddressed. This pragmatic pilot project aimed to develop and implement a tailored tobacco dependence service in mental health settings, and to assess its impact, as well as barriers and facilitators to implementation.
An integrative service model, spanning acute, rehabilitation and community services, including the design of tailored instruments and referral pathways, delivered by two mental health professionals.
Setting/Participants: Four adult acute and two rehabilitation wards (129 beds), and the community recovery team (2038 cases) of the UK' s largest mental health Trust.
Measurements Audit of smoking information in patient notes; service uptake; quit attempts; smoking cessation and reduction; qualitative data on barriers/facilitators to implementation.
110 patients attended at least one support session: 53 inpatients (23% of inpatient smokers); and 57 community (of unknown number of community smokers, as recording of smoking status not mandatory). Thirty-four of these (31%) made a quit attempt; 17 (15%) stopped smoking and 29 (26%) reduced cigarette consumption by up to 50% at the final contact. Barriers to service implementation related to the following themes: 1) Trust policy, systems and procedures, 2) staff knowledge and attitudes and 3) illness related factors.
Establishing a smoking cessation treatment service for people with mental illness proved difficult due to complex systemic barriers. However, there is clearly a demand, by patients, for such a service.