Full list of speaker presentations from the conference, along with online audio of main hall speeches, powerpoint presentations, abstracts and biographies.
Speakers listed alphabetically:
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Key: = View powerpoint presentation online, = Listen to speeches online
Ryan Adams, Communications Planning Manager, Department of Health, London, UK
Smokefree marketing strategy present and future
Quit Kits – a tool to engage more smokers? 
Vikas Agarwal, Associate Director - Formulation Development, CIMA Labs Inc. Minnesota, USA
Improved rate of absorption of a novel oral transmucosal dosage form of nicotine in human subjects 
Amanda Amos, Professor of Health Promotion, Centre for Population Health Sciences, University of Edinburgh, UK
Chair: day one
‘They are not really bothered, as long as they earn the money’ – a qualitative study of young people’s sources of cigarettes 
Fiona Andrews, Director, Smokefree South West, Bristol, UK
Delivering smokefree homes and cars 
Perceptions, rituals, usage and potential prompts to quit amongst South West HRT (hand rolled tobacco) smokers 
Golnar Aref-Adib, Psychiatric Trainee, London, UK
Working towards a smokefree environment - A survey of mental health professionals’ knowledge and attitudes towards smoking 
Paul Aveyard, Clinical Reader / NIHR Career Scientist, Primary Care Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
Which reduction methods work best and how you can use them? 
Wendy Baird, Director, National Institute for Health Research Design Service for Yorkshire and the Humber, School of Health & Related Research, University of Sheffield, UK
Men’s perspectives on smoking cessation in North Derbyshire: A qualitative study 
Heather Bath, Health Improvement Senior - Tobacco Control, South East Glasgow Community Health and Care Partnership, UK
Results of the Smoking Cessation needs assessment of the BME population living in South East Glasgow 
Linda Bauld, Professor of Social Policy, University of Bath and UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
Is paying smokers to stop money well spent? 
Exploring pregnant women's and midwive's perceptions of services and financial incentives for smoking cessation in the south west of England 
Michelle Baybutt, Pan Regional Prisons Programme Lead / Research & Development Officer, Healthy Settings Development Unit, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Smoking cessation and tobacco control in prisons and the wider criminal justice system 
Emma Beard, PhD Research, University College London, UK
Is the use of NRT for cutting down and for periods of temporary abstinence associated with desire and intention to quit and self-efficacy? 
Craig Beck, Medical and Scientific Relations, Pfizer Ltd, Tadworth, UK
How to interpret a scientific paper and make your own conclusions
Carol Brewer, Pheonix Workplace Sepecialist, Phoenix NHS Stop Smoking Service, Lincolnshire Community Health Services, UK
The Phoenix Toolkit - a guide to stop shop developments 
Alison Britton, Senior Lecturer, Department of Law, School of Law and Social Sciences, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
Provision of smoking cessation advice and treatment: guidelines, policy and the law 
Gary Burroughs, Lincolnshire Tobacco Control Strategy Manager, Phoenix NHS Stop Smoking Service, Lincolnshire Community Health Services, UK
The Phoenix Toolkit - a guide to stop shop developments 
Jonathan Campion, Consultant Psychiatrist, Department of Health, London, UK
Factors associated with success of smokefree initiatives in Australian psychiatric inpatient units: Lessons for progressing smokefree mental health in the UK 
Sarah Clarke, Trial Co-ordinator, Primary Care Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
Which reduction methods work best and how you can use them? 
Lara Clements, Senior Campaigns Manager, Department of Health, London, UK
Turning interest into quitters - bringing smokefree campaign alive at a local level
Emma Croghan, Programme lead, Tobacco Control Delivery, Department of Health, London, UK
Tailored quit plans in England - the next steps for flexibility in supporting smokers to stop 
Andrea Crossfield, Director, Smokefree North West, Manchester, UK
Illicit tobacco - exploring the role of the NHS stop smoking services to help to tackle the issue 
Alan Curley, Director of Therapeutic Change, UC-MindSolutions, Paisley, UK
An effective strategy for helping clients who have failed in the past? 
Martin Dockrell, Director of Policy & Research, Action on Smoking and Health (ASH), London, UK
What smokers tell us about e-cigarettes 
Kirsten Donald, Health Improvement Practitioner (Smoke Free Schools), NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, UK
Smoke Free Me - tobacco education initiative in NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde 
Sheila Duffy, Chief Executive, ASH Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
Chair: day two
Sarah Matthes Edwards, Delivery Manager - Tobacco Control Policy Team, Department of Health, UK
Implementation of the DH ‘Stop Smoking Interventions in Secondary Care’ pilot 
Lisa Fendall, Specialist Midwife, Rotherham Community Health Centre, Rotherham NHS, UK
Routine antenatal specialist clinics for pregnant smokers - the way forward? 
Brenda Friel, Health Improvement Senior (Tobacco Control), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Smokefree Services, UK
An exploration of barriers to client engagement with the smoking cessation service beyond self initiated referral 
Smokefree playparks: a common approach in Glasgow City 
Greater Glasgow and Clyde smoking in the home campaign 
Smoking cessation and looked after and accommodated children 
Karen Ford, Independent Health Research and Policy Adviser, London, UK
Cut Films – A social marketing approach to reaching young people 
Jonathon Foulds, Professor, University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, School of Public Health, and Director, Tobacco Dependence Program, New Jersey, USA
Can stopping smoking be bad for mental health? 
Caroline Fox, Integrated Communications Manager, Tobacco Control Marketing, Department of Health, London, UK
Smokefree marketing strategy present and future
Rob Gandy, Independent NHS Healthcare Consultant, Wirral, UK
Projecting smoking cessation in the north of England using Delphi Methods 
Wendy Griffith, Specialist Midwife, Rotherham NHS, UK
Routine antenatal specialist clinics for pregnant smokers - the way forward? 
Laurence Gruer, Director of Public Health Science, NHS Health Scotland, Glasgow, UK
How does smoking cause health inequalities? 
Kay Harris, Head of Local Marketing, Pfizer Ltd, Tadworth, UK
Lose the Smoker in You: A community approach to quitting in New Parks, Leicester 
Andrew Head, Regional Tobacco Policy Manager, Directorate of Public Health East Midlands, Nottingham, UK
A spotlight on routine and manual smokers - male haulage workers 
Alex Higgins, Consultant / Trainer, Smokefree Solutions, London, UK
Stop smoking interventions in mental health settings: a systems approach
Rob Horne, Professor of Behavioural Medicine, Head of Department of Practice & Policy and Director, Centre for Behavioural Medicine, The School of Pharmacy, University of London, UK
Smoking cessation medications: compliance, adherence and concordance 
Irene Houghton, Lung Health Check Project Manager, NHS Blackpool, UK
Offering lung health checks to motivate smokers to access stop smoking services 
Laura Jones, Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, Nottingham University, Nottingham City Hospital, UK
The fluidity of home smoking rules in disadvantaged households: the need to address risk perceptions and rationalisations 
Lubna Karim, Psychiatric Trainee, London, UK
Working towards a smokefree environment - A survey of mental health professionals’ knowledge and attitudes towards smoking 
Imran Khan, Medical and Scientific Relations, Pfizer Ltd, Tadworth, UK
How to interpret a scientific paper and make your own conclusions
Lynne Kilner, Associate Delivery Manager, Department of Health Tobacco Control National Support Team, London, UK
What are the barriers to local success? A systematic analysis of recommendations made by the Tobacco Control National Support Team 
Jeff Keighley, Deputy Coordinator / Pregnancy Lead For Smoking, Ipswich Hospital Trust, West Suffolk Hospital Trust, UK
The 'HERS' scheme: a holistic approach to stop smoking in pregnancy 
Susan Kerr, Reader in Public Health, School of Health, Glasgow Caledonian University, UK
An exploration of the complex interplay of factors influencing the use of tobacco in people with mental health problems 
An exploration of the tobacco-related health promotion needs of people with mild / moderate learning disabilities 
Daniel Kotz, Epidemiologist & Post-Doc Researcher, Maastricht University Medical Centre, CAPHRI School for Public Health and Care, Maastricht, The Netherlands
Did the introduction of varenicline in England substitute for, or add to, the use of other smoking cessation medications? 
Tessa Langley, Research Associate, Division of Epidemiology and Public Health, University of Nottingham, UK
Prescribing of smoking cessation medication since the introduction of varenicline 
Lynn Larabie, Physician, Ontario, Canada
A new bi-directional model connecting smoking, quitting and relapse: Implications for spontaneous quitting 
Sharon Lawn, Senior Lecturer, Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit, Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia
Factors associated with success of smokefree initiatives in Australian psychiatric inpatient units: Lessons for progressing smokefree mental health in the UK 
Nicola Lindson, PhD Researcher, Primary Care Clinical Sciences, University of Birmingham, UK
Is it better to cut down before stopping? 
Which reduction methods work best and how you can use them? 
Andy Lloyd, Media, Communications and Social Marketing Manager, Fresh - Smoke Free North East, Chester-le- Street, UK
People Like Me – opportunities and obstacles from a marketing campaign highlighting real life quitters 
Susan MacAskill,Senior Researcher, Centre for Tobacco Control Research, University of Stirling, UK
Smoking cessation and tobacco control in prisons and the wider criminal justice system 
Agnes McGowan, Health Improvement Senior (Tobacco Control), NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK
Short length of stay: How NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde smokefree hospital service meets this challenge to service delivery 
Hayden McRobbie, Senior Clinical Research Fellow, Queen Mary University of London, Barts & The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, UK
Can we get more out of NRT? 
New innovations in smoking cessation (including varenicline pre-loading; E-cigarettes; 'light' smokers) 
Trevor van Mierlo, Chief Executive Officer, Evolution Health Systems Inc. Toronto, Canada
Internet-based social networking for quitters: Can peer-based support groups promote cessation and help prevent relapse? 
Fiona Moore, Public Health Adviser (Tobacco), NHS Health Scotland, Edinburgh, UK
Exploring, identifying & addressing barriers to engaging with smoking cessation services 
Chad D. Morris, Associate Professor, Behavioral Health & Wellness Program, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
The peer-to-peer tobacco dependence recovery program 
Sarah Morris, Young Person's Advisor, Smokefree Camden, St Pancras Hospital, London, UK
Increasing youth self-referral and attendance rate in Camden through outreach approaches in innovative educational settings 
Marcus Munafò, Reader in Biological Psychology, Department of Experimental Psychology, University of Bristol, UK
The genetics of smoking and smoking cessation 
Rachael Murray, Lecturer in Health Policy and Promotion, University of Nottingham, UK
Who does or does not try to quit smoking? 
Quit Kits – a tool to engage more smokers? 
Dominick Nguyen, Regional Communication and Campaigns Manager, Regional Public Health Group for London, UK
London Smokefree Ramadan campaign 2009 
Jill Palmer, Medical journalist, Former medical editor of the Daily Mirror, London, UK
What's the story? Engaging with the press 
Mike Palmer, Deputy Director, Public Health Division, Scottish Government, UK
Lauren Parsons, Smoking Cessation Advisor for Looked After and Accommodated Children (LACC) and Young People, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK
Smoking cessation and looked after and accommodated children 
Marian Phebey, Cardiology Ward Sister, Newcastle Hospitals Foundation Trust, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
Smoking referral pathway for cardiology patients quitting in hospital 2008-2009 
Helen Poole, Smoking Cessation Counsellor, Cardiff and Vale University Health Board In-house Smoking Cessation Service, University Hospital of Wales, UK
Pre-quit in practice: a No Smoking Day initiative 
Dale Ricketts, Associate Delivery Manager, Department of Health Tobacco Control National Support Team, London, UK
What are the barriers to local success? A systematic analysis of recommendations made by the Tobacco Control National Support Team 
Deborah Ritchie, Head of Nursing Studies / Senior Lecturer (Health Promotion and Mental Health), Medical School, University of Edinburgh, UK
The re-shaping of life-worlds: Male UK Bangladeshi smokers and the English smoke-free legislation 
Jane Roberts, Head of Tobacco Control, NHS Blackpool, UK
Offering lung health checks to motivate smokers to access stop smoking services 
Jude Robinson, Senior Lecturer, University of Liverpool, UK
‘They are not really bothered, as long as they earn the money’ – a qualitative study of young people’s sources of cigarettes 
Successes and (missed) opportunities: Delivering messages to parents around secondhand smoke 
John Rodway, Operations Director, Solutions 4 Health Ltd, Reading, UK
Innovation in delivery - ‘Mobile go anywhere Stop Smoking Service’ 
Louise Ross, Tobacco Control Delivery Manager, NHS Leicester City, UK
Lose the Smoker in You: A community approach to quitting in New Parks, Leicester 
Jayne Rowney, Implementation Adviser, National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence, Manchester, UK
NICE guidance on quitting smoking in pregnancy and following childbirth 
Ailsa Rutter, Director, FRESH - Smoke Free North East, Chester-le-Street, UK
Illicit tobacco: undoing the good work 
Illicit tobacco - exploring the role of the NHS stop smoking services to help to tackle the issue 
Araceli Sanchez-Jimenez, Research Scientist, Institute of Occupational Medicine, Edinburgh, UK
Exposure of children to second hand smoke in cars 
Assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, nicotine, metals content and particle size distribution of mainstream Shisha smoke 
Leena Sankla, Project Director, Solutions 4 Health Ltd, Reading, UK
Innovation in delivery - ‘Mobile go anywhere Stop Smoking Service’ 
Lynne Scott, Cardiac Rehab Manager, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, UK
Short length of stay: How NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde smokefree hospital service meets this challenge to service delivery 
Lion Shahab, Research Associate, University College London, UK
Conflicting motivations and the decision to stop smoking gradually or abruptly – evidence from smokers clinics in Malaysia 
Lucinda Shaw, Director, Deborah Hutton Campaign, London, UK
Cut Films – A social marketing approach to reaching young people 
Christine E. Sheffer, Assistant Professor, University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, USA
Barriers to use of tobacco cessation services for lower SES and African-American tobacco users in the Arkansas Mississippi Delta 
Helen Shields, Regional Development Manager, LSSS, East Midlands, UK
A spotlight on routine and manual smokers - male haulage workers 
Robert Tait, Research Fellow, Centre for Mental Health Research, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia
A missed opportunity: cessation of smoking among inpatients with mental health disorders 
Cynthia J. Wang, Clinical Director, Behavioral Health & Wellness Program, University of Colorado, Denver, USA
The peer-to-peer tobacco dependence recovery program 
Hilary Wareing, Co-Director, Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, Warwick, UK
Exposure of children to second hand smoke in cars 
Ken Wassum, Senior Clinical Product Manager, Free and Clear, Seattle, USA
Treating tobacco users with mental health challenges in a quit line setting: a pilot 
Elaine Watson, Service Manager, Gloucestershire NHS Stop Smoking Service, UK
Exploring pregnant women's and midwive's perceptions of services and financial incentives for smoking cessation in the south west of England 
Robert West, Professor of Health Psychology, Cancer Research UK Health Behaviour Research Centre, University College London & UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies
Commentary on cutting down before stopping 
What competences are needed for behavioural support for smoking cessation? 
Simon White, Lecturer in Pharmacy Practice, School of Pharmacy, Keele Unversity, UK
Men’s perspectives on smoking cessation in North Derbyshire: A qualitative study 
Sharon Williams, Specialist Stop Smoking Adviser, Newcastle and North Tyneside Stop Smoking Service, North Tyneside Primary Care Trust, UK
Smoking referral pathway for cardiology patients quitting in hospital 2008-2009 
Martyn Willmore, Performance Delivery Improvement Manager, Fresh - Smoke Free North East, Chester-le- Street, UK
People Like Me – opportunities and obstacles from a marketing campaign highlighting real life quitters 