Nicola Lindson-Hawley Managing Editor, Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Jamie Hartmann Boyce Managing Editor, Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group, Nuffield Department of Primary Care Health Sciences, University of Oxford
Practitioners and researchers should be aware of all the evidence informing a clinical problem or research project, and finding and interpreting systematic reviews is a necessary skill. It is also important that this evidence is fit for purpose and fills necessary knowledge gaps. The aims of this workshop are to:
(1) Inform attendees about the work of the Cochrane Tobacco Addiction Group (TAG) and how it can be used to inform their work and/or clinical practice. We will do so by asking attendees to share their usual sources of information and experiences of using Cochrane evidence. We will demonstrate how to access information in the Cochrane Library and present tips on interpreting reviews; which will culminate in a ‘pub style’ quiz.
(2) Highlight how TAG’s work has influenced guidelines and practice, and pinpoint recent findings, by presenting case studies of key reviews.
(3) Determine where attendees feel there are gaps in the tobacco control evidence base, and if there are ways that Cochrane specifically could address these. Attendees will be split into groups and asked to discuss and feedback on how TAG’s suite of reviews could be improved to meet their needs and how findings could be disseminated most effectively.