Helen Pearce Stop Smoking Service Mentor, County Durham and Darlington NHS Foundation Trust, Hebburn
Development of a Profit Analysis Tool to Motivate Stop Smoking Service Provider Performance
An electronic cost/benefit model has been developed by Gateshead, South Tyneside and Sunderland NHS Stop Smoking Service which aims to support the recruitment of new Active Intervention (AI) providers and encourage those not meeting minimum contracted performance outcomes to improve investment in the delivery of high quality stop smoking support. Based on best practice guidance, the spreadsheet calculates the costs associated with the provision of an assessment session and four weekly sessions following the client’s quit date, then fortnightly sessions up to the 12 week follow up and discharge. Variables within the tool include the stop smoking adviser’s hourly pay, the number of quit dates set and success rates at four and 12 weeks. This allows the AI provider to see how much profit will be returned on their investment.
An example for a pharmacy support worker is £8 x 1.5 = £12 (hourly wage x 1.5 hours contact time). The income generated would be £15.50 + £41 = £41 = £97.50 (quit date plus 4 week and 12 week quit tariffs), giving a profit margin of £85.50 per 12 week quitter. The tool is being piloted by the Stop Smoking Service programme management team mentors to demonstrate different scenarios to AI providers with the aim of improving performance outcomes.