Wioleta Prylewska Stop Smoking Referral System Project Manager, Kick It Stop Smoking Service, Hammersmith, London
Liz Gilbert Smoking Cessation Delivery Manager, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT)
‘Click to quit’ is an innovative project at Imperial College Healthcare NHS Trust, that aims to increase number of patient referrals from secondary care to local stop smoking services. It also aims to achieve behavioural change within frontline hospital staff towards a more preventative approach and make assessing patient’s smoking status part of their daily routine. It is a collaborative cross-organisational project funded by NHS London, Tri-borough Tobacco Control Alliance and Pfizer, and delivered with cooperation between Kick It Stop Smoking Service, National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (NCSCT), and North 51.
The National Referral System combines an innovative electronic referral management system and an evidence-based online training programme that provides the necessary information required to deliver Very Brief Advice in the hospital setting. The electronic referral management system sorts patient details by their postcode to ensure that they are automatically referred on to stop smoking service which is in closest proximity to their home.
The project is accompanied by a specifically designed and tailored promotional campaign focused on initiating a cultural change within the organisation.
Source of funding: NHS London
Tri-borough Tobacco Control Alliance