Tracy Rowland, Health Programme Advisor - Maternity, Dorset Public Health and Martin Marsh, Managing Director, MD Diagnostics Ltd, Kent.
Tracy Rowland Health Programme Advisor - Maternity, Dorset Public Health
Martin Marsh Managing Director, MD Diagnostics Ltd, Kent
We would like to show the positive impact of taking an environmental carbon monoxide (CO) reading in a client’s home. CO monitoring is a valuable tool; however the added advantage of taking an environmental reading within the client’s home is a powerful statement and one which is difficult for clients to deny. The reading is live and can be taken from room to room. We want to show the impact this reading had on a family and the short and long term benefits this can bring.
The main focus is on a family of heavy smokers where the husband and wife (pregnant) are motivated to change their smoking behaviour due to high carbon monoxide readings within the home.The pregnant client made quit attempts and eventually quit. CO readings were taken on each home visit. On the third visit, the husband agreed to a CO breath test which was high. The CO Monitor also recorded the environmental reading at this point and was significant, which prompted discussion regarding second hand smoke and smoke free homes.This led to the husband making a quit attempt and making the home smoke free.The environmental reading showed a significant decrease in carbon monoxide levels post quit.
Source of funding: Self funded
Declaration of interest: Martin Marsh is the Managing Director of MD Diagnostics Ltd. MD Diagnostics Ltd manufacture a range of Carbon Monoxide monitors.