Currently available smoking cessation iphone apps - what are they, how much are they used and can they be used for effective cessation?
Emma Croghan
Emma Croghan Director of Public Health and Lifestyle Services, North 51, Nottingham
There are currently 176 iphone apps available identified as 'stop smoking', 'smoking cessation' or 'quit smoking' apps. They range in cost from free to £6.99 each and some have been downloaded by many thousand users. There is a clearly a market for this type of support, but is it effective?
This presentation aims to describe a content analysis of the apps available to smokers who want to quit; and to assess the usability and use of the apps. It will also consider the ratings and comments for some of the most popular apps and will consider how this technology can best be integrated into effective and evidence based practice.
Source of funding: North 51
Declaration of interest: Emma Croghan has received royalties from books about smoking cessation and health promotion in the last three years. She has also previously received travel funding and honoraria from manufacturers of smoking cessation medication.