'Genesis' - the innovative system to increase quit rates and Lost to Follow Up within the workplace groups
Lesley Colley and Andrew Wilson
Lesley Colley Specialist Stop Smoking Advisor, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland Community Services Stop Smoking Service
Andrew Wilson Performance Analyst, Middlesbrough, Redcar and Cleveland Community Services Stop Smoking Service
Lesley Colley has been a Registered General Nurse for the past 27 years and commenced as a Specialist Stop Smoking Advisor 6 years ago. Her main areas within the Stop Smoking Service are as the Pharmacy Advisor and also the Workplace Advisor. We strive to progress within all areas of Stop Smoking support and try to develop innovative new ideas. Hence the development of our new programme of work "Genesis"
Andrew Wilson has been with the Stop Smoking Service for 2 years now, and his function is to support the service in delivering high quality data provision to assist service performance and planning. This includes designing and developing systems that are required to maintain effective data collection and reporting mechanisms which support the requirements of the Stop Smoking Service; with particular regard to mandatory and informal performance reporting, and provider management.