Reaching out, inviting back - Using Interactive Voice Response (IVR) technology to recycle low income relapsed smokers back to treatment – a randomized control trial
Beatriz H Carlini, PhD MPH, Anna McDaniel, PhD RN FAAN, Barbara Cerutti, BA, Ross Kauffman PhD, Michael Weaver, PhD, Renée Stratton, MS and Susan Zbikowski, PhD
Beatriz H Carlini Research Scientist, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington, USA
Beatriz H Carlini is a Research Scientist at Alcohol and Drug Abuse Institute, University of Washington and an affiliate investigator with Alere Wellbeing, a provider of telephone-based tobacco cessation treatment.
Her recent research has focused on tobacco cessation and use of technology (telephone, web, Interactive Voice Response) to increase the reach, utilization and efficacy of tobacco dependence treatment.