UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

The partnership approach to the development and delivery of training in Scotland around raising the issue of smoking to support workforce development



Authors and presenters:
Liz Martin
Learning and Development Adviser, NHS Health Scotland, Glasgow, UK

Judy Corbett
National Training and Development Manager, ASH Scotland, Edinburgh, UK

PATH [Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health] is a partnership of Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland. PATH brief advice training – Raising the Issue of Smoking [RIS] – is delivered through a managed partnership with ASH Scotland.

The Scottish National Training Standards: stop smoking support (2009) provides a guide and framework for the skills and knowledge criteria for the training content and delivery of these RIS courses.

Training is delivered across all NHS Board areas in Scotland. This suite of brief advice training is designed to meet the continuing professional development needs of a wide range of health professionals.

The RIS courses include generic, during pregnancy and with mental health service users. An e-learning component has been incorporated to minimise the time away from service delivery for front-line workforce. A training for trainers cascade model of delivery has been adopted nationally to promote capacity building and sustainability of future delivery. This is supported by ASH Scotland personnel.

A virtual learning environment hosted by NHS Health Scotland provides further support through on-line resources and forum which practitioners can access. The RIS training delivered to date is currently under review through a pilot evaluation which will report in May 2010.

Source of funding: PATH [Partnership Action on Tobacco and Health] is a partnership of Scottish Government, NHS Health Scotland and ASH Scotland. The funding for the delivery by ASH Scotland of the Raising the Issue of Smoking – is through a service level agreement with NHS Health Scotland

Declaration of interest: none


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