UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - UKNSCC
2010 UK National Smoking Cessation Conference - Glasgow more...

Audit of the stop smoking services in London



Liz Hughes, Ghazaleh Pashmi, Alison DeMetz and Andrew Hayes

Liz Hughes
Regional Development Manager, Stop Smoking Services, London Regional Public Health Group, UK

The Regional Tobacco Policy Team conducted an audit of the 29 stop smoking services based in London. The purpose of the audit was to improve and maintain quality and performance within local populations. The audit also provided an opportunity to review services across London in detail, and provide tailored support in order to achieve and maintain evidence based services, with the primary aim of supporting smokers to stop and to contribute to a reduction in smoking prevalence.

The audit was a partnership between the Regional Tobacco Policy Team, NHS London and the Stop Smoking Services. A two-pronged approach was adopted which was identified from 2008/09 ‘four week quit’ performance. There were 11 red/amber rated Stop Smoking Services who completed a self assessment and action plan template, followed by a ‘challenge meeting’, and subsequent monitoring by NHS London, and 19 green rated Stop Smoking Services that completed a Survey Monkey questionnaire and received an individual feedback report.

There were many strengths identified across the services, many of which were linked to good performance, there were also areas identified which could improve. It was possible to observe patterns across London by mapping the performance of the services against their targets, budget, team size and performance.

Source of funding: London Regional Public Health Group

Declaration of interest: none


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