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Delivering services in a deprived rural area: an evaluation of the Cornwall and Isles of Scilly stop smoking service
Simon Reginald Martin Bennett, Research Assistant, Cornwall Health Research Unit, Redruth

The Cornwall and Isles of Scilly Stop Smoking Service began within the Cornwall Health Action Zone in 1999. Because of the rural nature of the area, Cornwall Stop Smoking Services are not delivered at specialised clinics, but generally in one of three ways: through Stop Smoking Nurses in every GP surgery; at pharmacies; and by dedicated roving staff.
Aims and Objectives
To monitor twelve month quit rates for a sample of users (n=2471); assess reasons for success or failure; analyse longitudinal data (2000-2006) and effectiveness in penetrating deprived areas.
Telephone survey of service users twelve months after quit date.
Quit rates rose from 18.3% in 1999/2000 to 23.9% in 2004/05 (self-report). Cornwall reported the highest success rate (23.4%, 2003/04) of five long-term studies reported in the recent NICE review of cessation services.
Twenty-nine per cent (28.8%) of clients were resident in the 20% most deprived areas within Cornwall, although twelve-month quit rates from this group are lower, 18.8% compared to 21.3% for the total sample.
Results at twelve-month follow-up show higher success rates for men (24.7% vs. 18.6% over the term of the evaluation).
Quit rates have shown consistent improvement over the life of the service, although the service may have reached a plateau in attracting potential quitters. Higher quit rates for men vs. women are partly attributable to high relapse rates for pregnant women, and results from deprived areas are consistent with other studies. Future work will look at the extent to which unsuccessful quitters return to the service, as well as the impact of the forthcoming smoking legislation.
Simon Bennett has been employed by the Cornwall Health Research Unit, an independent research consultancy, since 2000, having graduated from the University of Plymouth with a BSc in Politics and Social Research. Subsequently he has achieved a Masters in Research Methods from the University of Bradford. Apart from smoking cessation, his research interests include NHS funding in rural areas and rural deprivation.
Simon Reginald Martin Bennett
Cornwall Health Research Unit
Opie Building
Trevenson Road
TR15 3RD
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