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Community based smoking cessation project
Roisin Lowry, Regional Smoking Prevention Officer, HSE Dublin North East

Community Based Smoking Cessation Project
Introduction Smoking prevalence in Ireland has fallen in recent years, but it is still high in areas of deprivation. In light of this an inequalities fund was set up by the Health Service Executive to target specific marginalised communities. A community based smoking cessation project aimed at introducing accessible smoking cessation initiatives to these communities where smoking prevalence is high, was established in 2004. The project is aimed at low-income clients on specific marginalised housing estates in four counties in the North East of the Republic of Ireland. It is delivered by Lay Health Advocates employed by the Irish Cancer Society and run in conjunction with the Health Service Executive.
Methods Areas of deprivation were identified using a known indicator of deprivation. A baseline study was conducted in 2004 to establish smoking prevalence rates, found to be more than twice the national average, at 55%. In April 2004 13 Lay Health Advocates were recruited, all of whom had experience in community work. They received comprehensive training to enable them to deliver the service. Smoking cessation services were set up in the designated residential areas. Activities of the project include group courses and one-to-one support. The project maintains a presence in the target communities by linking in with local community groups and services, and the management committees of the designated housing estates. Clients are monitored on a regular basis, with follow-up at four weeks, three months, six months and a year.
Results and Conclusion
- Thirteen Lay Health Advocate’s were recruited and trained across seven housing estates in specific deprived areas (six of whom are still engaged with the project – numbers reduced due to budgetary constraints in 2005).
- Smoking cessation support provided to 423 clients within the community over a 2 year period.
- Follow up cessation rates: 4 weeks 84/284 (29.6%); 3 months 63/271 (23.2%); 6 months 43/231 (18.6%); 1 year 22/170 (12.9%) (2006).
Siobháin Smyth works in health promotion for the Irish Cancer Society, the national cancer charity in Ireland. Her area of work is smoking cessation and tobacco control. She holds an Arts Degree (Sociology and Ancient History) and a Masters in Health Promotion. She has worked as a lay health advocate in the community based smoking cessation project. She now co-ordinates the project.
Siobháin Smyth
Assistant Health Promotion Officer
Irish Cancer Society
43-45 Northumberland Road
Dublin 4
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