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European network of quitlines - targeting socially excluded groups
Kawaldip Sehmi, Director of Health Inequalities, QUIT

The European Network of Quitlines (ENQ) is launching a Social Exclusion Programme, which aims to maximise the potential for European Quitlines to target socially excluded groups and assist in the practical implementation of appropriate smoking cessation programmes.
Social and economic influences play an important part in determining patterns of smoking prevalence and cessation. Tobacco use is heavily concentrated amongst unemployed, lone parents and those living on low incomes making a significant contribution to the widening gap in health inequalities across the EU
Quitlines are in a unique position in being able to offer smoking cessation support to the heart of socially excluded communities as they can eliminate many of the geographical, economical and social barriers to accessing support.
The ENQ Social Exclusion Programme will maximise the potential for European Quitlines to target socially excluded groups and assist in the practical implementation of appropriate smoking cessation programmes.
ENQ’s Social Exclusion programme will address health inequalities and wider socio-economic determinants, making a significant contribution to reducing the gap in health inequalities across Europe. The programme will enable Quitlines to provide enhanced services to those groups who may be excluded from mainstream services.
QUIT UK is the lead agency of the European Network of Quitlines
Biography Kawaldip Sehmi B Sc. MBA
Director of Health Inequalities at QUIT
Has a cross-sectional experience of working on health and development issues. Director of Health Inequalities at QUIT with particular focus on smoking cessation and heart disease. Has led the collaboration work with UK's leading heart disease charity, the British Heart Foundation, to provide Asian Quitline, Arabic Quitline, Health MOT and Lifestyle Screening services to over 100,000 smokers since 1997.
Having worked with international agencies on public health programmes in developing countries, has a good understanding and grounding in community development, enhancing social capital and developing capacity in "communities of practice" settings.
Kawaldip Sehmi
211 Old St
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