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Small scale investigation of patient benefits within a stop smoking clinic based in a dental practice in West Yorkshire
Julia Csikar, Dental Public Health, Leeds Dental Institute, Leeds

INTRODUCTION: Developing health promotion initiatives within dental practice has been highlighted by the government. Dental teams are recommended to carry out an oral health assessment which can help focus on prevention advice (e.g. smoking cessation). One model to deliver stop smoking advice (SSA) is within a dental practice. Aim: gain background information regarding patients who attend a dental practice stop smoking clinic (SSC). METHODS: 6 interviews conducted (5 patients & 1 stop smoking advisor) in March 2006 within a dental practice. Pre-piloted interviews covered: decision to quit, reasons for attending a dental practice SSC and organisational problems. RESULTS: 4 white females and 2 white males were interviewed. Reasons for attending: referred by dentist, general/oral health concerns raised by dentist, difficulties gaining SSA/support from GP, and available literature. Benefits: GP support/advice not available, ample time to discuss issues, support
professional but personal.
Other: There were no clients referred to a SSC by GP, and only one patient asked by a GP about their smoking status.
Service-based issues: The advisor called for ongoing support by NHS Stop Smoking Services as no continuing support in place.
DISCUSSION: Dental teams have been confronted with the challenge to help their patients stop smoking or access SSC. There is a lack of research into dental teams and their involvement with SSA/support.
CONCLUSION: This small scale study has shown that SSC based in a dental practice setting and run by a member of a dental team has benefits for patients. There is a need for ongoing support to be offered to advisors by NHS Stop Smoking Services to ensure a strong network is maintained and advisors do not feel isolated.
I graduated from The University of Huddersfield in 1998 with a BSc (Hons) in Human Ecology and have since gained a Masters in Public Health in 2003. I have worked as a researcher for Leeds University for 8 years on projects as diverse as an oral health assessment of Leeds prisoners, evaluation of Sure Start programmes based in Bradford, improving access to dental services for elderly Pakistani people to name but a few. I am currently 2 years into a 3 year project to understand the range of activities related to smoking cessation in dental practices across West Yorkshire funded by the Leeds PCT Research Consortium.
Julia Csikar
Dental Public Health, Leeds Dental Institute
Clarendon Way
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