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Smoking cessation clinics in schools
Jaime Leanne Battye, Health Promotion Specialist, Sure Start Stanley

Three years ago, following a ‘Drugs Education Road Show’ which is an annual event at all secondary schools in the Derwentside area, several young people approached the School Nurse and Head of Year requesting help, information and support to give up smoking.
The School Nurse then approached the Health Promotion Specialist for Sure Start Stanley and together a formal ‘Smoking Cessation Programme’ was formulated.
This programme included health education, monitoring, professional and peer support, individual assessment and in some cases nicotine replacement therapy (NRT). This programme has been running successfully now for 3 years and has seen the introduction of a protocol for the Derwentside area and now young people who require NRT as an aid to giving up smoking and using the fagastrom assessment are given this through the voucher scheme used in the Derwentside area.
The programme has been rolled out to all other secondary schools in the Derwentside area running currently with the school nurses. The programmes are very successful in supporting and helping young people aged 12-16 stopping smoking.
Biography Jaime Leanne Battye is a Health Promotion Specialist for the Children's Centres in Derwentside and has worked for the programme for three years. Jaime finished her degree in Health and Human sciences studies in Medical Anthropology at Durham University in 2001 and has since worked with young people. She is currently studying her MSc in Public Health and hopes to write her thesis on smoking cessation and young people.
Moya White is a school Nurse with the Derwentside school nursing team. She has been working for the school nursing team since 1996 and before this was a nurse working on the paediatric ward at Shotley bridge hospital.
Both are very interested in helping and supporting young people to quit smoking. The introduction of the smoking cessation programmes (being the first of their kind)has received a lot of media attention over the years which has been very good, but the best attention is from the young people who felt that there was nothing out there for them before the smoking clinics in schools.
Jaime Leanne Battye Health Promotion Specialist
Sure Start Stanley
Clifford Road
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