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The British association for stop smoking practitioners
Gillian Bruce, Lead Smoking Cessation Nurse Specialist Acute Services Smoking Cessation Service Forth Valley NHS Falkirk and District Royal Infirmary

British Association of Stop Smoking Practitioners (BASSP)
Smoking cessation is one of the largest, most effective, public health initiatives. Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales and now England all have Smoke Free legislation, which is to be applauded. Yet, until now, where was the national voice representing stop smoking practitioners? Who was engaging in national PR to highlight issues affecting you as practitioners? Who was concerned that practitioners across the UK are able to share best practice and support each other?
BASSP began life last March at a national conference of smoking cessation practitioners, organised by the British Thoracic Society (BTS). At this event, delegates supported, overwhelmingly, the establishment of a national voice for those working in smoking cessation. A Steering Committee of volunteer practitioners was set up and from here the BASSP was born. The BASSP is affiliated to the British Thoracic Society (BTS).
We are confident that the development of BASSP will help to ensure smoking cessation is viewed as a cohesive profession. Practitioners are at the heart of the Association, responding directly to the needs communicated by members.
- Raise the profile of the profession nationally
- Improve communication between practitioners themselves and other relevant organisations
- Increase support for practitioners
- Provide representation at national, and local, levels to highlight issues pertinent to practitioners
- Share and encourage evidence-based best practice
- With the ultimate goal of helping patients and other smokers to stop smoking
- The BASSP will be launched formally at the House of Commons on Monday 2nd July. In the coming months the membership will be nominating and voting for the first Executive Committee.
Gillian Bruce RGN, BN, Dip Smoking Cessation, MN
Gillian currently leads a Smoking Cessation Specialist Service within the Acute Services of Forth Valley using the increased funding from a Breath of Fresh Air. She originally set up a pilot project with the remit to provide a hospital based cessation service and demonstrate its effectiveness.
She collaborated with primary care in writing the Forth Valley Smoking Cessation Guideline (2003) and sits on the Tobacco Action Subgroup of Forth Valleys Substance Action Team which is looking at an integrated Forth Valley Cessation Service. Gillian was invited by the British Thoracic Society to consult on the published recommendations for Hospital-Based Smoking Cessation Services, and is now Chair of the newly formed British Association of Stop Smoking Practitioners.
Gillian graduated from the University of Glasgow having obtained a Bachelor of Nursing Degree and worked within a Cardiothoracic Unit, before returning to the University of Glasgow and Cardiac Research. This interest in research led to the completion of a Master of Nursing Degree in 1996. Prior to her current post, Gillian worked within Primary Care as a Practice Nurse for 5 years.
Gillian Bruce
Hut 5, Majors Loan
Falkirk & District Royal Infirmary
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