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Demand for Smokeline advisor contact before and after the introduction of smoke-free legislation in Scotland
Ann Kerr, Programme Manager, NHS Health Scotland

Smokeline is the national quitting smoking helpline service for Scotland and operates daily from noon to midnight. Callers can speak to trained advisors to obtain advice, support and information on ways to stop smoking and on what stop smoking services are available in their area. Demand for Smokeline services is routinely monitored on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act was introduced on 26 March 2006 prohibiting smoking in wholly and substantially enclosed public places in Scotland and it is an offence to permit smoking or to smoke in no-smoking premises. An increase in demand for Smokeline advisor contact was recorded in the six months period running up to the introduction of smoke-free legislation. There were 2345 calls in September 2005 and this increased to 9359 calls in October 2005. The number of calls decreased to a similar level by December 2005 (as recorded in previous years for December) but rose
sharply again in early 2006 peaking at 6593 in March but falling to 2658 calls by April. The pattern of demand for Smokeline advisor contact following the introduction of legislation returned to that of previous years. Demand is closely linked to TV advertising. The pattern recorded suggests that smokers in Scotland were preparing to quit, by approaching the helpline service, in advance of the legislation.
Ann Kerr (BSc MPH) has worked in health promotion and improvement for 16 years in the West of Scotland and at a national level with NHS Health Scotland where she is currently Health Improvement Programme Manager for Tobacco.
Ann Kerr
NHS Health Scotland
Princes Gate, 60 Castle Gait
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