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Young adults smoking behaviour in Iran: an initiation for health promotion activities
Ali A Farshad, Head, Department of Occupational Health, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

Introduction: Tobacco consumption is the most preventable cause of death worldwide, claims 5 million lives annually which will increase to 10 million by 2030; of these seven million will occur in developing countries. The Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), an international surveillance joint project developed by WHO and US CDC, enables countries to monitor tobacco consumption in minors and young adults. GYTS report from Iran, describes the knowledge, attitudes and behaviour of school students regarding tobacco use, their exposure to environmental tobacco smoke, and pro-tobacco as well as anti-tobacco advertisement.
Method: We conducted a nationwide multi stage, school based two-cluster survey (n=4966, age=13-15 years) in 2004, using a standardized GYTS questionnaire adapted to use among Iranian population.
Results: Total smoking prevalence was 15.4%, boys 21.0% and girls 9.8%. Current cigarette smoking was 3.1% where boys 4.8% and girls 1.3%. 14% used other tobacco products. 12% of never smokers were likely to initiate smoking by the following year. Half of students think girls who smoke have more friends. 72% of current smoking students bought cigarette from a shop. 40% of students were exposed to smoking at home, while 89% of respondents think smoking should be banned from public places. Half of current smokers want to stop smoking and the same figure failed to stop smoking during the prior year. More than 80% saw anti-smoking media message in the preceding 30 days.
Conclusion: The results indicate that the youth smoking prevalence is alarming especially in the presence of an environment that supports smoking. Immediate action is required to limit youth exposure to environmental tobacco smoke and accessibility, issue legislation to prohibit selling tobacco to minors and create a supportive environment to the health of youth.
Mohsen Asadi-Lari MD PhD FRIPH, is a medical doctor graduated in 1993, holding a PhD in Public Health and Epidemiology of Cardiovascular Medicine (2004, Nottingham), post-doc senior research fellow in palliative care (2005-2006, Warwick), and Assistant Professor in Epidemiology and Public Health (Tehran, 2006 onward). He has published more than 20 papers in well-known scientific journals, mostly cited in Medline and Embase, particularly in health-related quality of life, health needs assessment, health management in disasters and palliative care. He has established a 'Tobacco Research Centre' and 'Oncopathology Research Centre' in Tehran and encourages his MPH, MSc and PhD students to work in these fields, regarding the prevalence of smoking in Iran. He is currently co-manager of a large nationwide population-based smoking cessation programme in Iran to be launched in mid 2007.
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