Increasing the number of pregnant women in Bolton 'bumping the habit'
Diane Parker and Jane McGrath
Presenter(s) |
Diane Parker Smoking Cessation Advisor, Bolton Stop Smoking Service (NHS Bolton) |
Jane McGrath Smoking Cessation Advisor, Bolton Stop Smoking Service (NHS Bolton) |
Abstract Objective: Bolton Stop Smoking Pregnancy Service (Bump the Habit) to reach all pregnant women who smoke and book into the maternity services in Bolton. To increase four week quit rates and improve SATOD.
Process: Bump the Habit presented a proposal to the head of Bolton Maternity Services which outlined a plan to change from the existing ‘opt in’ system of referral to an ‘opt out’ system.
The proposal was accepted and agreed and was implemented in February 2015.
Referrals are accessed on a daily basis by Bump the Habit.
All women are offered the support route of their choice.
Results: An analysis of data was performed to compare outcomes before (2014/2015) and after (2015/2016) the change in referral system.
• Referrals have increased from 376 to 848
• Quit dates set increased from 33 to 96
• Four week quits increased from 24 to 62.
• SATOD in Bolton – 2014/15 – 13.7%. Awaiting 2015/16 figures.
Conclusion: There is evidence that the change in referral system has improved quit outcomes for pregnant women in Bolton.
Some restrictions of the maternity database have meant that the objective to contact all pregnant women in Bolton has been limited. We are working with maternity services to amend this.
Presenter biography Diane Parker has worked as a Smoking Cessation Advisor since February 2007. Trained counsellor with over 15 years experience working in Mental Health settings.Currently carries out smoking cessation within pregnancy as a specialism.
Jane McGrath has worked as a Smoking Cessation Advisor since 2008. Previous work roles include employment as an Assistant Practitioner and Health Trainer before specialising in smoking cessation in pregnancy.
Declaration of interest: None