Survey of smokefree compliance at Stepping Hill Hospital
Janet Elizabeth Sinclair
Presenter(s) |
Janet Elizabeth Sinclair Senior Healthcare Public Health Nurse, Stockport NHS FT, Stepping Hill Hospital, Stockport |
Abstract During the annual national campaign Stoptober in 2016 and as part of the launch of Quality Standards 82 relating to reducing tobacco use (one particular area specifically relates to smoke free grounds), a survey of compliance of the Smoke free policy was carried out by the public health nursing team.
Nine locations were chosen for the survey some of which were notoriously used by patients and visitors as well as staff and over a five day period various times were allocated to carry out the survey so that there was no pattern to the visits (we were sure that some staff were alerted to us - a strategy we wanted to avoid).
Where consent was given, a questionnaire was used to ascertain key information about the smokers found on site, such as gender, age, postcode and knowledge of smoke free site.
Some main findings included:
- More women than men smoked.
- More smokers were in the >40 year age range.
- Smokers asked were aware of the smoke free grounds but most weren’t interested in quitting smoking.
Recommendations included:
- Staff training
-Improved signage
- Increased senior manager support
Presenter biography Since qualifying as a nurse in 1975 I have worked in a variety of settings within the NHS in Greater Manchester as well as overseas. Further study resulted in a Diploma Nursing and BSc qualifications.
Over the last 6 years my role at Stockport NHS Foundation Trust has involved working in public health across the Trust.
I was involved with NICE guidance regarding tobacco harm reduction as a professional development group member as well as Quality Standards relating to this guidance which was launched in June 2013.
In 2010 I had a journal article published regarding health promotion care pathways.
Source of funding: Public Health team budget
Declaration of interest: None