Supporting young women to have smokefree pregnancies
| Author(s)
Sarah Cork, Joanne Pullen and Hilary Wareing
| Presenter(s) | Sarah Cork Director, Brilliant Futures, Henfield | Joanne Pullen Founding Director, ActivMob, St Austell | Abstract The current pathway for supporting pregnant smokers is not meeting the needs of some of the youngest and most vulnerable women as evidenced by the low rate of uptake of Stop Smoking Services and the high rate of young women who smoke throughout their pregnancy.
This session will discuss the emerging evidence from two insight-driven projects which intend to develop asset-based approaches which encourage and enable young women aged between 16 and 24 to have pregnancies that are free from tobacco use.
There will be an opportunity to gain an insight into:
• their experiences of being pregnant and of smoking during pregnancy,
• the real barriers to quitting
• what or who they would turn to if they wanted support and how they want to quit,
• their expectations of health professionals, and
• what information they want, how and from whom.
This will then lead to a discussion about how these insights may impact on the commissioning and provision of support for young women.
The projects have been funded by Tommy’s (DH Innovation Fund) and Warwickshire County Council. The organisations supporting them are the Tobacco Control Collaborating Centre, Activmob and Brilliant Futures.
| Presenter biography Sarah Cork is director of Brilliant Futures, a leading social marketing organisation that combines behavioural theory with consumer insights to develop actionable recommendations to encourage and enable positive health, social and environmental change. Through Brilliant Futures and her work as a lecturer in Social Marketing at University of Brighton, she has also trained, coached and mentored over 3000 professionals from the public, private and community and voluntary sectors, helping them to implement behaviour change with maximum impact.
Joanne Pullen is a founding director of Activmob CIC, a pioneering and innovative social enterprise specialising in bringing together citizens, local communities and service providers to capture real life experiences and co-produce insight driven outcomes
Joanne’s skills and experience in business development and health lead her to be contracted to develop the concept of Activmob, turning it into a robust business model that was one of the first to move from the public to voluntary sector. She has strong and established skills and experience in designing primary research and creative ways of engaging people from all backgrounds.
| Source of funding: DH Innovation Fund, Warwickshire County Council
| Declaration of interest: None
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