Rolling groups in Calderdale - they will never work!
Janeanne Spence, Deborah Hardwick and Susan Blakeley
Presenter(s) |
Janeanne Spence Stop Smoking Specialist, South West Yorkshire Partnerships Foundation Trust, Halifax |
Susan Blakeley Stop Smoking Specialist, South West Yorkshire Partnerships Foundation Trust, Halifax |
Abstract The poster will show why the ‘rolling group’ model of service delivery was introduced by Calderdale Specialist NHS Stop Smoking Service and how a ‘drop in’ element was later implemented into this model. Data will illustrate the success of the groups alongside clients’ views of the service. Staff will also provide feedback of their experience of facilitating the sessions.
Presenter biography Janeanne Spence joined the Calderdale Specialist NHS Stop Smoking Service in January 2008. She takes the lead for the workplace service. Before she joined the Stop Smoking Service she was involved in the BHF Wellbeing at Work Programme
Susan Blakeley joined the Calderdale Specialist NHS Stop Smoking Service in October 2005, but initially joined the Kirklees and Calderdale Service in 2000. She previously worked as a community pharmacist.
Source of funding: General service funding from Commissioner
Declaration of interest: None